My daughter is 3 and (currently, one on the way) an only child. Most days I dread coming home after work because it feels like her terrible 2s never went away. All she does is whine, scream and give my wife and I attitude.When she does something we don't want her to do, for example, forcing her hands up into the bathroom tap to spray water everywhere. We'll ask her to stop with some sense of urgency but she just screams over us with "No! No! I'm just! I'm just spraying water!" To the point where I'll take her down from her stool because I'm now soaked and she will Lose. Her. Mind. This particular example has happened many time, so taking it to it's logical conclusion: "okay if you don't stop and just wash your hands, I'm going to take you down" to which the response is "No! I. Don't. WANT TO!". Cue 11/10 tantrum.This is with everything. Anything that happens that she doesn't like or doesn't go exactly her way and she goes from zero to a thousand in the blink of an eye where she's completely inconsolable.When she wakes up in the morning she comes into our room and the first thing she does is start whining. She wants under the blankets, she wants out of the blankets, she wants X or Y or Z. This one I somewhat understand. She wants us up and playing games or whatever, but at the same time she's only been in our bedroom for 30 seconds and she's already screaming and whining. Every day. Generally I'll tell her "okay, if you want X you have to ask like a big girl and not whine". Cue tantrum.She's also regularly telling my wife and I to stop talking or to "chill" or "settle down" when we're trying to have her do something she doesn't want to do or to stop doing some destructive action. Something like this:"Okay, we don't want to hit mommy in the belly because there's a baby in there" "Daddy just.. stop talking. NO stop taking daddy. I'M talking STOP talking daddy".Lastly, she's afraid of everything. I mean quite literally everything. She won't go near even the smallest of dogs or cats regardless of how friendly they are or if I'm petting them and trying to help her along (I love dogs and cats). She will scream, cry and be generally inconsolable until they're well outside of her personal space. The same goes for any bugs, spiders, dust bunnies, worms, animals, fish etc... Or any other activities that she's unfamiliar with until we basically force her to do them. Then it's all good once she realizes how fun something is. Trying to get her into my in-law's pool was a nightmare until I finally just grabbed her and took her in. Now she loves it.A few answers to questions I know I will probably get:My wife and I are very consistent with discipline. We don't spank. My parents spanked me and, let's be honest here, it worked wonders but we don't do it. We generally issue a warning to make her aware of the consequences of an action, and then it's a timeout. After the time out, we explain to her why she was in timeout and why her actions made us feel sad. She understands, she just doesn't seem to care. We also (generally... We've slipped a few times) don't yell. All I've read is that talking to your kids is best so that's what we do.She was born at 28 weeks so she's been tested for every developmental delay you can imagine. She has always scored above her non-premature peers in most categories. She does not have any known developmental delays.When does this shit stop and how can I deal with this? via /r/Parenting
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