Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Left Handed

I’ve suspected for some time my daughter was left handed. She always favored her left while eating and coloring. She exclusively sucked only her left thumb. Well, her pre-k teacher pulled me aside and told me she suspected my daughter was left handed today at drop off as they started writing class a few weeks back.What do I need to know? I know they make scissors for people who are left handed. Is there anything else I should buy that would make it easier for her? She asked me last night if she was holding a pencil correctly (they are learning proper grip), I showed her in my right hand how to do it. She asked me to switch hands and show her it with my left hand because “that’s a better hand “ and because the right “feels weird and funny to hold a pencil”. I realized, I was easily confused on how to hold a pencil in my left hand. It didn’t feel right. I kept switching back and forth to figure out how to show her how to hold it in her left hand. Then, I realized, that maybe the grip was different in a left hand. I know I’ve seen left handlers struggle with smudging and such. I don’t want to teach her a wrong grip when she’s asking me for help.Am I overthinking this? She’s been fine up until now with her left hand. I know she hates handwriting class and often comes home crying because it’s hard and she doesn’t understand how to do it. I want to help her but I don’t really know how.I know this is a stupid question but can any left handlers give me some pointers on how to help her? I’m at a total loss on what special items I should buy (besides scissors). I don’t know how to help her develop her handwriting since she’s asking me for help. They use the pom pom technique at school. She said most kids didn’t need the pom pom and she wanted to be like them. I want to give her confidence and help her develop this new skill. Thank you in advance! via /r/Parenting

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