Sunday, 30 September 2018

Navigating a difficult family issue

Sorry in advance for formatting, on mobile.Today somehow it got brought up in conversation with my family about how one of my nephews (13) asked how my brother (his step-dad) would react if he was gay. My brother said he would be shocked and disappointed and that it would take him a while to process this.Some background on the situation, my brother is a bit of a piece of work. He’s a hard worker, very dedicated to making sure his biological child as well as step kids (he has 3) are well taken care of and have their needs met. However, I feel like he’s especially hard on my nephew who asked the particular question. He makes snide jokes about the way he dresses even though it’s perfectly normal with how all the kids his age dress. He’s into Jordan’s and skinny jeans. He’s actually very well dressed and cute as a button to boot. I highly doubt he is gay, he’s just a very insightful child and he asks incredibly adult like questions. I told my brother after he said that, that was no way to talk to your child. You treat them unconditionally with love and no matter his choice he should feel safe and loved in his home. That even if he was gay he would always have my love and my sister-in-law (his mother) agreed and said this is what I’ve told your brother and my son.My question is, how can I address this better with my brother? I know this particular nephew is very sensitive and lacks self confidence is at a very pivotal age. What can I do as his aunt to talk to him about it and to let him know he’s safe to talk to me about any concerns or issues he has without crossing boundaries with my brother?Thanks, it’s weighed heavily on my heart today and someone to vent to already makes me feel a little better. via /r/Parenting

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