I'm a new(ish) father of 2 beautiful little girls, Penny (2y5m) and Lydia who just had her 1st birthday 2 weeks ago, and I'm struggling with anger issues. I guess I've always had a temper ever since I was a kid, but it's never really been an issue for me. My outbursts of anger have almost never been in interactions with friends/family/people. It sounds kind of silly, but I will get really mad at inanimate objects, like if I stub my toe, or I'm losing in a videogame, stuff like that, irrelevant things. I know that I get angrier than is merited in those situations, but otherwise in interactions with people and with my wife, I've always been able to keep that anger in check. I've never been violent, and I'm usually quite patient with people.Lately, however, I can feel myself kinda crossing that line of becoming too angry with my kids. They can really be a handful sometimes, especially when I have both of them to myself for the whole day while my wife is at work. My patience wears pretty damn thin by the end if the day. The older one bullies the little one and won't listen, the little one is like a bloodhound for things she shouldn't be touching/playing with, the house is a mess, etc. You all know how it can be. But I am pretty worried about how I'm handling the situation.I've never been violent with the girls, and I don't worry that I will be, but I grew up with an angry dad, and I don't want that to be me. I remember my dad going from 0 - 10 in anger at the drop of a hat. I remember him freaking over seemingly nothing. I remember how loud he would yell and swear. And although he never physically hurt me or my sister, I remember the fear that I have with me all the time, and still do to this day to some extent. I don't want my daughters to have to grow up like that.I feel like it's becoming increasingly harder to stay calm. I find myself getting too angry, swearing, sometimes yelling. And I'm aware that it's happening while it's happening, but instead of that making me realize "hey, maybe I should calm down," it only piles on more frustration. I become frustrated with myself for being frustrated with the kids.. I feel like I'm losing control. I'm not sure what to do.I am really looking for any advice, hopefully from someone who's experienced what I'm going through, but really I'd appreciate anything. I'm in a bit if a unique situation because I'm not sure counseling is a good option because of language barriers. I live in Quebec, but I'm not really in a major english speaking area of the province. I do speak French, but I wouldn't say I'm fluent, I often am struggling in conversations and I miss a lot. I talked to my doctor (who doesn't speak English) about finding a counselor who speaks English, and he didn't know anyone or any resources I could use.I was wondering if maybe at least as a start, if someone could suggest some books on the topic? I don't know. All I know is that I at least have to try to make a change, and I need to start ASAP. Please help :( via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2DzIfoh
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