Thursday, 27 September 2018

If your parents were less than ideal, are you still trying to get an apology? Or you just let it go?

I've been thinking a lot about it since having my child. Lots of questions about what parent I'd like to be, how to bring him up as well balanced adult, etc.. I have realized that unfortunately my relationship with my parents has been going on downhill quite badly.They were overall quite neglectful, always shouting and name calling. My mother has a strong preference for my sibling and that's always been quite painful for me (she would say that openly, in case I had any doubts). Their last visit was a complete disaster, my husband tried to raise an issue we had with them, and they just spent the day in the garden, calling me horrible names and saying I'm ungrateful and other things. Loud enough for us to hear, but low enough for them to deny. They now pretend nothing has happepened, as usual, and keep sending messages every single day, pretending all was fine and the problem is in our heads.Every time I tried to get an apology from them it ended in either blaming my personality (my dad enjoyed reminding me that I was a horrible person since the age of 9 more or less) or them saying :"If you are happy with your life you shouldn't care" which is a great excuse for them not to take responsibilities.Parents of reddit, have you managed to have an apology from them or is a lost battle? And if you did get one, did it help your relationship? via /r/Parenting

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