Saturday, 29 September 2018

Thoughts on circumcision? Need advice.

My son is a little over a week old and his father and I can't seem to agree on whether he should be circumsized or not.My boyfriend is 100% for it and doesn't want to budge.I'm not totally against it, but I'm sort of in the middle on how I feel.I did read that it does have some benefits in preventing STI's and other similar things.But I feel like safe sex practices would be just as useful. And I just feel strange about having my son cut for something that doesn't seem entirely necessary, especially since he can't decide for himself. I'm worried about complications from the procedure etc. And when I do research on it as well, it seems like most sites from the UK or Europe, or in general not from the USA don't see it as necessary or very beneficial, only US websites seem that way to me.So to me even I think I'd be fine if it didn't happen.Any advice or input? Did you have your boys circumsized? Why or why not? I'd greatly appreciate it. via /r/Parenting

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