Before you rip me apart, just hear me out. I have 3 year old boy who is super energetic and needy. And I now have a 2 month old little girl who so far, is pretty chill. She sleeps pretty well at night (though I know it gets worse with growth spurts and teething).I knew it would be hard; but the baby isn't the hard one, it's the 3 year old. I want to rip my hair out. I won't go into details. There are people with bigger problems in the world. And I'm sure it's all normal, 3 year old boy behavior.I'm just looking for support that things will get easier. I feel so isolated, alone, and I miss my old life. I can't go a full day without losing my cool and/or crying. Before anyone suggests postpartum depression... I'm already a head of you. I'm going to my doctor on Monday to be put back on cipralex. I was on it for about a year after my son.I just need to know that this gets easier and more enjoyable. What can I do to make this "season of life" not suck ass so much? How do I get my head above water? via /r/Parenting
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