Thursday, 26 October 2017

As an only child, parenting siblings freaks me out.

Hello all. My wife (36F) and I (35M) have been together since high school, married since 2007. We have two boys ages 9 and 4 (will be 5 in December). When we had our oldest, it was an amazing experience. I felt that combined joy and pressure that comes with having a son and wanting him to be a better man than you are.When our second happened, I was nervous. The thought of two kids kept me up at night. I understood having one, and growing up that way, but two scared me. Our son came along and he's this amazing, crazy, funny red headed ball of energy.Two days ago, my wife told me she's pregnant again.The tornado of thoughts has returned. I worry about telling my boys now. We had given away a lot of stuff after the last one thinking we were finished having kids. I worry about time, money, doing this all again.It felt like we'd just started getting some direction with the other two, settling into routines as one is in 3rd grade and the other in PreK.I know I'm over thinking, over analyzing, and honestly the shock is still there and keeping me more scared than I should be.So r/parenting I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts for the transition from 2-3 kids, for telling the other siblings and helping to get our oldest some more responsibilities within the house, for helping the other two with the possible space crunch of combining two bedrooms into one, etc. What has worked for you? What hasn't? What would you have done differently?Thanks for the help! via /r/Parenting

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