I'm interested to learn more about your nighttime routine with your toddler. I have a 2 yr old who still breastfeeds at night before bed (and before nap), and she wakes me a lot at night still. I've just finished reading E. Pantley's book for toddler sleep - and I'm doing most everything in the book already.Currently: I put her in PJs, brush teeth, rock her and nurse her then she detached from my breast while sleepy and rests her head on me. I wait about 1-2 minutes and place her in her crib awake. She goes to sleep. She then wakes about 2 hrs later and wants to nurse. We then cosleep. She sleeps for 2-3 hours then wakes and wants to nurse. I tell her not right now, she complains a lil and then goes to sleep. She wakes .5-1 hr later and asks again. I nurse her briefly, she wakes from 4:00-6:00 every .5-.75 hrs.What do you dress your toddler in? What is your crib bedding like? Or toddler bed? Toddler pillow? Blanket? Lovey? Any details you think contribute to your child sleeping well?Thanks 😎 via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2qnbxuA
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