Friday, 26 May 2017

12 month old very possessive of things?

Hey all, so I have encountered an issue with my one year old being possessive of things. I didn't think these kind of behaviors occurred this early on but I guess I was wrong. Sometimes she gets ahold of something she's not supposed to have such as a hair brush or remote. When I go to take it from her (even though she cant understand yet) I explain in a very calm manner why and I gently take it away as I replace it with one of her toys. Every single time she throws herself to the ground and starts screaming and kicking around, and she will throw the toy that I tried to replace the item with. Yesterday I went to do it and as I went to grab the remote she pulled it away and started screaming "NONONONONO" and shaking her head violently side to side. After I took it away she went to the ground with the usual tantrum. She will also get very upset if I'm eating food and don't give her any within 5 seconds of her spotting the food, or even if I'm holding something like the tv remote and she gestures that she wants it and I don't give it to her she will get extremely upset.Is this normal for a 12 month old? I've started to just ignore her tantrum until she stops but sometimes she will accidental hurt herself when she throws herself so I grab her up to comfort her. I feel so bad ignoring her because she's so young but I feel like anything else would just reinforce the behavior?Anyone with experience with this or helpful input is very much appreciated! Thanks. via /r/Parenting

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