Sunday, 2 April 2017

Delayed toddler throwing tantrums when we don't do what he wants, should we give in?

Hi everyone, I have a 16 month boy who was born premature and is delayed in some areas such as communication and social and play skills. We have been working with a speech therapist, occupational therapist and physiotherapist to get him up to speed. He has some 'red flags' for Sensory Processing Disoder and ASD and we are on a waiting list to get him evaluated for that. I dont have another appointment with his therapists for another few weeks so thought I would ask you guys for some help.My son has never been able to tell us what he wants, he hasn't pointed or indicated when he was hungry, thirsty etc. Doesn't point at things, just cries and cries. So this has been very stressful for us all. One thing that he does do though is if we are reading books he will grab my pointer finger and move it to things and I tell him what it is, he doesn't point himself though.This week he has started grabbing my pointer finger and leading me to something he wants, which is amazing! But he is doing it constantly and throwing HUGE tantrums if we can't do it at that exact time. Should we give in and do it because he is finally communicating or should we set boundaries? via /r/Parenting

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