Raising 5 kids on a very tight budget while going through school forced us to get creative on our dates and time out as a family. Here are a few ideas that might help:Most museums and Science Centers have at least one day/night a year when visiting is 100%free. If you buy a membership to the museum, ask for the reciprocal pass which will allow you to get into hundreds of other centers for free (then plan your vacations around these free experiences).Most regions in the US have a handful of free-fishing days where adults and/or kids can fish without a license. Sometimes they will even let you borrow free poles/bait at predetermined scheduled events.Attend free dress-rehearsals of plays, concerts and presentations.Find your local online community calendar to find tons of free events and service opportunities. Note, this is often found on your local newspapers website.If you live near a University or community college, you can often attend free/cheap concerts, free music recitals (especially graduate students about to graduate), free classes, free informative lectures, free events, and chances to watch new movies for free.Get involved in your community garden. There are plenty of people that will be willing to teach you and you may even end up with free fresh produce.Join a ameateur star-gazing club for free. Many times they will let you use their awesome telescopes for free.If you own a smartphone try geocaching or learn the basics of photography through free online courses.Your local library often has video-games and/or movies to check-out for free. Libraries also often have free tickets to events in the community for free.Some demolition companies will let you volunteer for free to help destroy houses and buildings. Haven't you always wanted to take a sledgehammer to a wall?Many technical schools (including massage) offer free or deeply discounted experiences.Volunteering with various groups allows you to help others. As a fringe benefit, many organizations will often sponsor your trips to National Parks, Amusement Parks, etc when you go with those you mentor (plus, you get to make a difference to someone).Many culinary schools often fine-dining cuisine at a fraction of the cost with very similar quality.Most Movie Theaters have discounted movie days. **Most college and/or professional sports teams have discounted days or ways for low income individualsGet involved in Community Sports LeaguesGrab some scrap paper, Go to Youtube and learn OragamiThere are many Free Frisbee Golf Courses scattered throughout the country.Buy a used backpacking bag, decent shoes and a used tent and learn the joy of camping/hiking. Many campsites are free and often National Parks can point you to some free options on their property. Most hiking trails are free and most smartphones can take great nature photos now.If you love spending time with animals, but it is not feasible to get a pet, volunteer at your local animal shelter.You can learn just about anything online as a family including programing, restoration of furniture/vehicles, remodeling, thousands of hobbies/talents, playing instruments etc. Go to garage sales to get equipment for your new found hobby. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2qmr9Qf
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