Tl;dr at the bottom.This is a semi-rant/hopefully funny story, enjoy! Also, typing on mobile so excuse formatting/any other errors.Like honestly, I love her, but she's very clearly an asshole to the nth degree in this moment. She's 2 and the baby girl of the bunch (I have two boys 7 and 8 and three stepdaughters 10, 12, and 17). Because she's the youngest by a lot, it has always been important to me to teach the big kids how to play with her so she doesn't feel left out, i.e. run in slow motion when racing her, when they play Just Dance she always wins, etc. Because they are young themselves, it's not always easy for them to gage (or is it gauge?) when they are giving in too much, so she is the best at literally everything by far without even trying.This is most evident when it comes to a family favorite, hide and seek. I have a pretty big house (2 stories and over 3k sq ft) so when the big kids play, it can be difficult at times to find them, even for me. But whenever its the baby's turn, she either does one of two things: 1. Hides in plain sight and simply covers her face or 2: whenever you enter the room she's hiding in, she has a not so subtle outburst. This is true literally every time. You could be counting on the couch and she will curl up in a ball at your feet and cover her eyes and she still considers it hiding. But I digress.Now, to the asshole-ery of today. It's almost bedtime, so I send the baby upstairs after her brother to wait in mommy's room for bath time. The diaper box is empty so I run right out front to my truck to grab a couple. I leave the door unlocked because I "know" I'm the only one downstairs. I come back in the house and head straight upstairs and to my room. No baby. I start calling for her and looking around everywhere. Still no baby. I ask my 8 y.o. to look downstairs and I start checking closets and under beds. He can't find her downstairs either. At this point, I start freaking out. My heart is racing, my head is spinning. What if my poor little baby managed to sneak out the house while I was getting the diapers? I know it's a stretch because she would have had to walk right past me, but I'm a mom in panic mode so anything is possible. I take off down the stairs and just before I open the door, a lightbulb went off. I decided to yell out the one word that I know will summon a child of mine, CANDY!!!!Guess what happens next. The asshole emerges. She was hiding in a toybox in the playroom. I was in the playroom 3x and didn't think to check there because 'Why? She can't hide worth a damn' as far as I know. She played me, she played all of us this whole time, and I wouldn't be surprised if she intentionally sucked at hiding in preparation for an event like tonight. The one-time-only treat of having candy right before bed.And that my fellow parents is the story of why my daughter is an asshole.Tl;dr: 2 y.o. daughter starts random game of hide and seek without telling me and gets a reward of candy when I have to use it as bait to find her. via /r/Parenting
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