Just needing to rant and get some advice on how to handle bullies.My son is one of the most sensitive and well-behaved kids on the planet, but he is pretty shy and doesn't have many friends (we live in an isolated area). My wife has been taking him to a church youth group to try to get him to socialize more, but he tends to be a wallflower because he's not into sports like many of the other kids there (and he's too shy to strike up a conversation).This evening, I found out (through my daughter) that a slightly older (albeit shorter) kid approached him and asked him a stupid question. When my son replied "No," the kid slapped him and then walked away. WTF? Needless to say, I was friggin' pissed. My son already has difficulty socializing, and this certainly isn't going to help.I calmly asked him how he responded, and he said he didn't say or do anything, because he didn't want to get hit again. He said he didn't want me to know, because he was embarrassed. I told him he really needed to stand up for himself in those situations, because it is not okay for other people to treat him that way, and they would keep doing it if he didn't stand up for himself. But I was at a loss when it came to telling him exactly how he should've responded.I told my wife that we really needed to call the church tomorrow and sort this shit out. Apparently this kid is new, and if he continues to attend, I wouldn't blame my son for not wanting to return. Ironically, my son has been going to public school for years and has never been bullied, but he goes to church and gets slapped. Do parents just drop off their shitty kids, hoping the church will fix them? Do you think it would help if I went with him next week, and beat the living shit out of this little fuck? Sorry. Parental rage mode still engaged. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2pkXTsL
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