Friday, 28 April 2017

Preteen son suddenly worried about death. Looking for any advice.

My 11 year old has recently become pretty concerned about death. His main concern is having someone in his family die, but he also worries about what happens after you die.Some of that is normal, but I am worried that he is becoming too fearful. My husband got home late last night and wasn't answering his phone because his phone died. My son was convinced that something must have happened on the train. He thought there must have been a crash or an attack.A few days ago he was riding bikes with his brother. He came in earlier than his brother and when his brother wasn't home at the exact time he was supposed to be back, he started worrying that his brother may have been kidnapped or hit by a car or some other terrible thing. I assured him that his brother probably just lost track of time and will be home shortly. He insisted on going out to find his brother. Right before he went out, little bro returned home. It was probably about 10 minutes later than he was supposed to be home, but he was fine.It's little things like that. He isn't as concerned about his own death and it isn't holding him back much. He still does everything that he used to do including things like taking public transportation alone, riding his bike a couple of miles to school, staying home alone, etc. He's just concerned about us (myself, husband, younger son, and daughter) dying and I'm worried that it is becoming too much.Everything I looked at online seems to deal cover the younger years and I doubt any of it would work on my son. We shared what we believe happens when you die, told him what other people believe, showed him our will, and assured him that we are all in good health and the other things that worry him (kidnapping, random murder, terrorist attack, plane/train crashes) are super unlikely to happen. None of that has helped. via /r/Parenting

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