For the past week or so, my 9 month old daughter has gone from a placid baby with regular nap and meal times to an irritable, and at times inconsolable little girl. She went from enjoying meal times and eating almost anything she was given to crying at the sight of food or milk. At night time, she cries in between sleeps of about an hour, I'm guessing because she's so hungry but she won't feed. The only way to get her to eat is to dream feed her a bottle but even then, she wakes up startled a lot of the time. She would constantly want her pacifier and now she won't touch it.She has been seen by two different doctors. Neither saw any evidence of teething or any other signs of illness or injury. Her temperature is normal and her bloods came back normal too.There has been no change in her diet or routine, or in the routines of her parents. Her nappies are normal too. The only other sign that something might be wrong is she has very bad breath. The doctor says that could be because she's not eating much.It is all heartbreaking to see. My daughter is obviously suffering, and there's nothing we can do to help. I'm posting in case any of this ribs a bell to anyone or if there's something obvious that we're missing. Please help! via /r/Parenting
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