Wednesday, 26 April 2017

My child is hitting the terrible 2's early! Any advice or books I can read to help us get through this!

My daughter is 23 months old and has been a pain the in the behind for the last couple of weeks and seems to be getting worse! Every little thing throws her into a tantrum and it happens at least 10 times a day. Sometimes they are small tantrums and sometimes it's 30 mins of screaming and throwing a fit. My approach has been to ignore it but it doesn't seem to be working so I think I need some guidance. I have also tried taking something she likes for the day which does have somewhat better results but not always. She also has been refusing to eat any food at all when she previously ate pretty decent. What I do is just take the food she wouldn't it and give it to her later typically she would eat it before but now she just won't eat and will complain about being hungry for hours but won't eat what I give her! All she will eat is fruit, plain wheat bread, and yogurt that's it(no noodles or any kind, no veggies, no meat, no beans!) I'm so over it and so over wasting lots of food that she won't eat! She also has lost about 3lbs from not eating. The pediatrician told me just keep offering food and nothing is wrong but if she doesn't eat for another week to bring her back. Anyways if you guys have some advice or solid books my husband and I can read to help us, I would really appreciate it! via /r/Parenting

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