My sister is on drugs really bad. For some reason they have not arrested her. She was driving without a license and insurance and driving high on drugs. She was parked at McDonalds for four hours with a friend and my niece in the car. When the cops came my niece was asleep in her carseat and my sister was inside McDonalds. The friend she was with was sitting in the driver seat naked passed out on drugs with a needle beside of her. They found over 15 needles on my sister and that police officer told me she had tons of drugs on her. They were shooting up meth. I am so scared she is going to die. I had to pick up my niece at 2 am the night Donald Trump got elected as president. That cop told her he could get her for child neglect and everything. But he didn't. She didn't even get a drug charge. She got a no insurance and no license charge and spent 12 days in jail.I have had my niece about 25 days out of the month. My sister gets her and stays at my mom's house and ends up leaving and taking her too meth/drug houses with a bunch of dopers. She never baths her or takes care of her. She feeds her hunk when she eats like cakes and stuff. She has two other kids. My mom raises her older son who is 13 and she has a daughter who is 5 years old but the dad has had her for 6 months now because my sister only got her for two weeks since she got arrested. She is supposed to get her for one week and then he gets her for one week.This just happened yesterday. I had my niece for three weeks and she didn't call about her. I haven't talked to her. Then she gets her (my mom picked her up and took her to her) and had her for two days. CPS called me and asked if I would take custody of her for seven days and made sure she had a bed here and checked out my house and all that stuff. My sister was at a meth house and someone called and said she was intoxicated with her child. She admitted to doing meth. Didn't get arrested. I think maybe she is ratting on people to get out of it. I have no clue how she does it. My niece had about 8 bug welts on her. I took her to the doctor. It was bed bugs. As soon as I seen it, I took her clothes off and took her blanket and trashed them. I even bought her a new car seat. She was staying in a house with no power with my niece. I swear, I could beat her and not quit if I could knock some sense into her. She chooses drugs and men over her kids. She won't get help or treatment.Anyways, that cps worker didn't tell me what would happen after 7 days. I want to get custody of my niece and don't know how to start and what to do. I am scared my sister will try to start stuff and come to my house. They told me not to allow her near her daughter. My sister has stolen so much from my parents and me. They had to put cameras up and deadbolts on their door because they are sick and on medication and she would steal it. She will steal money, drugs, anything she can sell. She just stole my mom's tablet. I think in her head she thinks she's a good mom.Please help me. What can I do? I know if I go for custody she is going to start stuff with me. She just made a status on Facebook about how you love a man so much that you would overdose for him. She always threatens suicide. I love my sister and want her back. She isn't my sister right now. Drugs has turned her into the devil. I am bawling as I write this and can't even see to type. I want her to be okay. I also have three boys. Two are in sports so I have to take my 2 year old and my 3year old niece to every practice and game. She is safe here and loves it and does not want to go to her mommy. What will happen after these seven days that I have custody of her? What should I do? How would I get a mental hygiene on her? Does anyone have any advice for me? I appreciate each person who read this long rant. Thank you so much. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2oOovky
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