Sunday, 2 April 2017

Son gets frustrated when he can't instantly master a new skill/hobby. Makes everyone else miserable. How to help him learn the value of practice and patience?

Our 7 year old son is, for the most part, a happy, well-behaved kid. However, he has a glaring flat spot when it comes to learning new skills or hobbies. If he can't master it instantly and be as good as those around him, he gets very upset, pouts and is generally miserable to be around. Doesn't matter if it's board games, learning how to catch a baseball or playing an instrument -- he compares himself to others and, if they're better than him, it's over.It's causing an incredible amount of frustration for our entire family because, obviously, he's NOT going to be instantly good at everything he tries. But we haven't hit upon a way yet to show/teach him the value of being patient and investing in practicing a skill to get better at it.Any suggestions? via /r/Parenting

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