My toddler will only eat fruit and breast milk.She was a better eater about 3 weeks ago. Between cutting her canines and then an upper respiratory virus she went through a bit of a food strike which I understood to some extent. Well at her last appointment it was revealed that she dropped to the 6th percentile (from the 20th) for weight and had even lost some weight. The two pediatricians we've seen don't seem as concerned because she has grown in height a bit. They asked us to come back for another weight check in MARCH.Every bite at every meal is a negotiation to get her to eat the tiniest bit of food. "If you eat one bite of mac n cheese I'll sing you another song"... give you another blueberry, read you another story, etc. I'm freaking out and losing it. We did BLW and bribing her to eat goes against everything I set out to do in regards to building a healthy relationship with food.On one hand I feel like maybe I should wean her so she'd be more hungry and maybe eat more, on the other hand it would be removing one of her only sources of nutrition at this point. She rejects anything other than water in a cup, and hasn't had bottles in months.I'm at a loss. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2j5vCa0
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