Monday, 30 January 2017

Grandfather in law sent preachy "you must have more kids" letter

I love my kids. Love them dearly. But I have 4 under 4 - our household is crazy. We'd already decided that we were done having kids, but I happened to mention so to my sister in law a few months back.Well, apparently it trickled through the grapevine, because we just got a letter from my (very conservative, very Catholic) grandfather in law telling us that regardless of finances or health, for the good of our souls we should keep having kids.This is rich considering a) he didn't participate in the raising of his kids except to beat them and b) HE'S NOT A WOMAN.I'm especially bitter about this considering I just had an emergency procedure to fix a health problem, and one of the results was actually that I can't have more kids. I don't regret the decision, we were done and it made my life infinitely better but... the fact that he explicitly called out having more kids as being more important than my health was just... unbelievably condescending.My husband grew up surrounded by this mindset so his response was to just kind of shrug and say "what does it matter". But I just can't get over the gall.Just a vent, really. Sigh. via /r/Parenting

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