Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Handling entitlement issues with 10 year old girl

Hello everyone,My oldest daughter has visitation with her Dad. Her Dad works part-time at a minimum wage job, but he married very rich. He and his wife have a lot of nice materialistic things. Now, I'm a college educated single mom. The kids and I used to live in an apartment and they would complain about sharing a room. I worked and hustled my ass off and landed a great paying job! I was able to rent a 4 bedroom house in a decent neighborhood for all of us. Not going to lie, I was proud of this accomplishment. Out of the blue my 10 year old starts saying how crappy our neighborhood is and that she's embarrassed by how 'poor we are'. I was incredibly hurt and ticked off. WTH?! I didn't raise her to have an entitlement mentality. So parents, how do I best go about solving this issue? I want her to be grateful for everything she has. Never once did I look at my parents house as a child and say "This isn't good enough for me". Just can't believe her attitude, I was so upset. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2kcE5Wf

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