Friday, 27 January 2017

Mother of son's friend left a very angry voice mail. Unsure of how to proceed.

My oldest is 14 and invited two friends and his cousin over after school today. The boys were hanging out and then decided to go down to the football field near us. They apparently invited a few more friends and had a game. The boys (my son, his two friends, and my nephew) came back home a few hours later. I drove my son's friends home and then went out to dinner with my husband, kids, and nephew.I got home and noticed that I had a voice mail. I listened to it and the mom of one of the boys (we'll call him Bobby) was screaming at me for allowing Bobby to play football. Apparently Bobby is not allowed to play football. I was never informed of this and Bobby never said anything to my son about it either. She said I was neglectful and should have been watching the boys. She also told me to keep my son away from her son.Should I call her back tomorrow and explain myself or should I just let this blow over? I don't know her super well, but our kids have hung out before. She never seemed to have any issues before. My son is still good friends with Bobby and doesn't want to stop being friends.Is it reasonable to be this upset about boys being boys? I am so confused. I never thought 14 year old boys needed that much supervision. My son goes down to the field all the time. I have never gone with him. An I missing something here?Thanks. via /r/Parenting

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