Thursday, 26 January 2017

15 yr old serious issues

OK to start I'm the step father of the child he is 15. His situation sucks, his father lives at home with his parents in a 2 bed trailor, doesn't work, smokes dope all day, no longer pays child support, he does take his kids every weekend but here's the issue his 15 yr boy my stepson sees all this thinks it's ok, me and the boy get along great he listens to me and seems to look up to me problem I'm not home all the time I travel allot for work. The boy doesn't listen to his mom or his dad. Lately he doesn't Wana go to school, found beer cans in his room, cigarettes and chew so he sits around the house does nothing, I've sat him down discussed this calmly several times I've yelled and threatened it's been months since he hasn't had his own tv cell phone computer I've taken everything but his bed now. I even quit taking him fishing and all the fun stuff months ago, everytime I talk to him think it got thru his head next day same stuff, it's starting to hurt our marriage we fight all the time about it been married for 6 years. It's to the point I myself as a step parent I can no longer do this my job is to stressful as it is traveling for weeks at a time to put food on the table pay all the bills and I got this boy disrespecting me behind my back. I dunno what to do about it anymore I'm down to just giving up on the family. Need advice via /r/Parenting

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