Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Only 2 parents have replied to our soon to be 5 year old party invite.

The first responder said they would come but didn't seem very happy when they realized their son was going to be going to our daughters party.(our daughter apparently has a boys name) the second person said they will be out of town and can't make it. 14 other invites have gone out and we haven't gotten a single reply. Should I leave notes for the parents to remind them to RSVP?I know me and my wife are not a normal couple like most of the families that go to to our daughters school cause we're very socially awkward around other parents. But we've gone to every party and made sure to try and make our daughter not awkward like us. But I just feel like other parents don't want to come because of us. via /r/Parenting

7yo is Immature

I know, it's not really fair to say that a child is immature - duh, of course. By definition, children are immature.What I mean is, my 7 year old son acts much younger than his age, and I'm wondering if/when I should start to worry.He's a sweet kid who mostly does well in school, though he sometimes struggles to pay attention. He's a very loving person. But he just displays some behaviors typical of much younger children and he does not seem to be growing out of them. For example, he whines and tries to grab on to my leg when I leave the room. He cannot lose a game without completely losing his shit over it. He also defaults to a high pitched "baby" voice at home, despite infinite patient discussions about how he needs to use his regular voice. In a given evening, he'll say "I love you" in that baby voice about 30 times. Which sounds like a shitty thing for me to complain about, but it starts to feel a little...worrisome...after about the 15th time, you know? Not just the annoyance of the voice itself, which is very fingernails-on-a-blackboard, but also wondering if he is desperately seeking reassurance by saying it over and over again. I honestly don't know if it's just a reflexive tic, or if he's expressing deep insecurity.I promise, this kid is raised in a stable home by loving parents. He is doing grade level work in school and is of totally normal intelligence. He is well cared for. He has an IEP but it is only for fine motor skills.But we engage him in conversation and the response is a totally unrelated statement like "did you know people eat food?" in a silly voice. Or, the 22nd "I love you" of the night. When I interact with friends and family who have kids the same age, they're on a different planet, carrying on real and sometimes complex conversations. Sure, some silliness now and then, but they have the ability to tone it down/apply it in the right context most of the time. My son doesn't seem to have that switch. He also has had trouble making and keeping friendships, and I think there's a relationship between his behavior and that fact.Anyway. Anyone seen this before and have any advice? via /r/Parenting

I need some advice on easing the transition home with my kids

I have not had my children living with me for the past 2 years, I did see them regularly through out this time and we have kept in close contact. They will be coming home for good next week and i am very nervous about it. Is there anyone who has been in a similar situation that could give me some advice about how to ease the transition for them? Their ages are 16, 13 and 3. via /r/Parenting

My 5 year old asked me if I wanted him to be a boy.

I told him yes, which is the truth, I wanted a boy.He started asking me why, first he asked if I wanted a strong kid. I told him yes, I wanted a strong kid, he quickly replied that girls are strong too! He then asked me if I wanted a smart kid, I said yes. He replied that the girls are really smart in his class, they are really good readers! He then asked if I didn't want to buy dresses. I told him that I like dresses, and he quickly replied that boys can wear dresses too! He then asked, but don't you think boys are gross? Did you want a gross kid? I told him that he is not gross and he goes "yeah, you are a girl and you are much grosser than me, you fart all the time!" And that was the end of a positive conversation. via /r/Parenting

Waking to feed at night

My 5.5 month old naps well, but he's still waking to feed at least twice at night and sometimes more. Is this normal?He goes to bed easily at 6:00pm every night. Usually he wakes the first time anywhere between 9-11, and I feed him. Then some nights he will sleep until 3 or 4, and eat again (he always nurses a lot so I believe he is actually hungry). He always goes right back to sleep. Then he wakes for the day anywhere from 6:30-7:30. My main annoyance is that he has STILL NEVER SLEPT AN 8 HOUR STRETCH. This is really annoying me because my first dropped all night feeds spontaneously and slept 12 hours straight at 4 months old. I know all kiddos are different, but shouldn't he be sleeping longer stretches by now? He seems hungry at night when he wakes to feed, but then is rarely hungry first thing in the morning and weight 16lbs so I know he doesn't need to be eating this much at night.Is this normal? Should I wait it out? How long? When should I start sleep training? via /r/Parenting

What's the weirdest thing you've had to say to your kid?

I've realized I say so many things daily that would be incredibly weird to say to anyone else. Here are the highlights of yesterday:"The cat does not want to be a mountain for your Hot Wheels." "If you make that sound one more time, you're going to bed." "My bra is not a toy." "No, that fountain is not filled with dead people." And the daily battle- "Don't force the dog to lick your feet."I feel like a lunatic sometimes, especially in public. via /r/Parenting

Should I just give him water?!

My 13 month old son can't do cow's milk, goat's milk, or soy milk. Rice milk has arsenic so I'm stumped. What do I give him to drink? Just water? HELP! via /r/Parenting

Toddler is starting to ask questions about my father, who happens to be a child molester. How to handle?

Thanks in advance! Any thoughts welcome, because I'm maybe too emotionally invested in this situation to clearly see how I should handle it.Long story short, with my husband's help I came to grips with years of childhood sexual abuse by my father and cut him out of my life for good. This took place just over three years ago, when my son was an infant. As such, my son does not remember him and isn't even aware of his existence.As life would have it, however, the kid's toddler curiosity is taking over and he's connecting the dots that since everyone else he knows has two parents (living, deceased, or whatever) I probably do as well. Recently he's started randomly asking about "my dad" and who/where he is, etc.I definitely don't want to lie to him and say my father is dead or anything like that. But as a 3.5 year old he's not really ready for the full truth either. Should I just say he's a "bad guy" and we don't talk to him, and leave it at that? Has anyone here dealt with this before?It also crossed my mind to use this as some sort of watered down teaching point on consent/bodily autonomy, but I think the implications of that may be too heavy for him at this age. Right? via /r/Parenting

Out of the blue I hear my nephew has been taken into care. I'm in England.

Spoke with ss today, looks like I'm going to be a foster-er. What are we called? I don't even know that! Its all quite a brief story really. I was merrily bobbing through life, single, employed, healthy living and hard working. My brother had settled down with a girl and started a family. All was good. I thought. Yesterday evening I get a message from my mother. After a call ill never forget I find myself tasked with possibly having to care for my 4 year old nephew I hardly know. Nobody else is "capable". I'm going to move to a bigger abode, I'm going to spend all my savings, I'm doing all I can right now to get him safe. Oh, did I mention I have no idea Wtf I'm supposed to do? via /r/Parenting

Fun things to do with a 5 year old girl?

I am feeling really detached from my kid because my husband and I constantly work OT so she spends most of her time in her PRE-K and Daycare. She then comes home and plays for a bit, eats dinner, then its bed time. I need advice on some fun things I can do with her on a limited schedule. I am really missing that quality time that I used to have when she was a baby and I wasn't working.Another question I have is; Have any of you decided to go from two steady full-time incomes to one steady full-time income and cut monthly costs to become a stay at home parent? How is that working out? Are you in debt?Also, any good jokes a 5 year old would understand? I need suggestions, guys! :) via /r/Parenting

How do you react to undesirable gifts to your child from family members?

Well, the holidays are just around the corner and I expect my 18 month old son to get lots of gifts. Some people, particularly my mom, have quite different tastes than I do, and this is especially obvious when it comes to clothing. I like my son to wear quality; I don't like logos, I don't like synthetic materials, baggy clothes, etc. she is much less fussy. We've gotten a lot of second hand stuff from her that have just given us more trouble than it was worth. I used to lie and say I liked stuff she got which may have gotten me in this mess in the first place. She's also very defensive/proud of her "good deals" though i have to remind her sometimes that a broken jacket is a broken jacket! There's also certain big box stores I just abhor. "Yeah you got that hat for $3 because the company only paid the workers in the Philippines 3 cents to make it!"To avoid some of this at xmas we first laid out a "no gifts" policy but it's their only grandchild, not to mention the first Xmas they spend with him, so maybe that was unreasonable on our part. She insisted to get him a few things and we were okay with that as long as our son didn't spend an entire morning opening one gift after another, completely overstimulated. I also made a plea to avoid plastic in any toys she was getting.So what do you soon Christmas if/when you are repulsed by gifts your child gets from others? Feign appreciation or ask if you could return the item and get something else? I don't want to come across as unappreciative but it's been years of accumulating junk and I'm really sick of it. As is my husband. It's just getting us further away from the lifestyle we aspire to.TL;dr how to handle folks giving junk to your kid for Xmas: feign appreciation or a different strategy? via /r/Parenting

Fed up with 11yr old and school. Any advice/thoughts? (Kinda long - sorry)

My 11 yr old daughter has always struggled in school. The work does not come easy to her like it does with our oldest but she does really well when she actually pays attention in class, does her homework, asks for help at times, and studies. This year she started middle school so all the previous years of teachers babying her is out the window. Which also means now her grades are awful. The school however provides so many chances for kids to succeed. They provide before and/or after school tutoring with every teacher 1-2 times a week, you get an extra 5 days to turn in homework, and every teacher has to give you 5 days to remake a quiz/test if you score below a 70 (with a max grade of a 70). My daughter however still continues to have grades below a 70. Why? Because she either won’t turn in her homework or won’t go to tutorials. She has an agenda and a binder for homework to do, completed, and extras so she can stay organized.Her homework is always completed but 50% of the time she won’t turn it in. 2 weeks ago I saw homework sitting at home, took it to school for her, and she still didn't turn it in. She recently had a 30 in science because the only reported grades for a week were the quizzes; all the work is done in class and she just never did it. When her teacher was talking to me and her about her grade my daughter just giggled the entire time. I’ve already talked to her science teacher and she is suppose to be kept away from friends until she can learn to use class time to do work. She also refuses to go to tutorials where she can get 1:1 help most of the time and everytime she goes to tutorials her grades always improve.We took her to a concert where she missed half of a day of school earlier this year after keeping all grades above an 80 for a few weeks. She missed 2 quizzes so I set up dates with her teachers to remake them - she skipped the remakes. We took her phone away since it’s her lifeline and told her she could have it back once her grades reached a 70. She ended up going and taking her phone out of our room so now she can’t have it back until atleast mid February. She complained about tutorials so we told her she doesn’t have to go as long as her grades always stay above a 70 - 2 weeks later she was failing 3 out of 4 main classes. She says volleyball and flute are the 2 most important things in her life - we put her in private flute lessons like she asked, put her in city volleyball, and looking for a private volleyball instructor so she can make the school team. I walk her to morning tutorials on days that I am off. We started a to-do list for her which lists all of her classes to remind her about homework/studying. We told her chores do not have to be done except on the weekends. We did not take her to the movies (as she wanted to) with us because she didn’t keep her grades up. We set-up a rewards chart for her that she was involved in and she still is not doing anything. Told her she could have any birthday party she wanted in February all we asked her to do was have her teachers sign her agenda and go to tutorials. She was super excited about this, told us what she wanted, and then skipped afternoon tutorials the next day. This tutorial she skipped was to remake a test that she spent 2 hours the evening before studying for and she still skipped it. We want her teachers to sign her agenda so we are aware of what is going on in school (since she lies to us constantly about what she is suppose to do for the week) and her teachers are even reminding her but she won’t hand them the agenda. This week we even took all her clothes away (since she states its her “whole life”) and for every 3 days that she has 3 out of 4 teachers sign she gets 1 day of her clothes back and I offered to take her clothing shopping once she earns clothes back. She’s had 0 teachers sign so far this week (even with them reminding her).I am trying both positive and negative rewards but in the long run nothing is getting accomplished still. We have 2 trips coming up and my husband just wants to leave her out of them to see if that would change her habits but I don’t think that will be any good from a psychological stand point. I am also working on therapy for her even if it means I have to pay for it.Is there anything else we should try or not continue to do to see if it helps? Or would it be more beneficial for us to stop trying, give her everything back, and just let her fail the school year? Anything is appreciated! Sorry its all so long I'm just super frustrated. via /r/Parenting

Parents of Reddit

Do you ever step back and wonder how the hell you made a child that is as handsome/beautiful as they are?I'd assume it's probably something that goes through everyone's mind at one point or another. via /r/Parenting

Microwaving water (mixing vigerously) for formula... How is it actually dangerous?

My method: Two ounces of bottled water (just water) placed lid-less in a microwave safe baby bottle in the microwave for 15 seconds with the carousel on. Take bottle out, lid it, and shake/swirl vigorously. Add formula powder, shake again, test on your wrist/lip, then serve.We have a bottle warmer, but i do this when I'm in a hurry. Our son doesn't enjoy cold milk so much.My wife passionately disapproves of this method because of internet blogs and arguments of "hot spots" and "is it really worth the risk" - not really an argument in my opinion. The discussion quickly digresses to "just use the bottle warmer because that's what I said to do". I'm fine using the bottle warmer, but when I'm in a hurry, I find the microwave to be a quick alternative and I'm just not seeing the danger.It's my belief that water isn't dense enough to retain hot spots after a vigorous mixing (shake/swirl). Some argue microwaves kill nutrients in foods (I believe this has largely been debunked), but there is no nutritional value in water to begin with... The bottles are microwave safe (we use it to sterilize the bottles after all).So my question is, how could the method above be construed as utter disregard for your child's safety. Yes I'm bitter, but I just want to understand why it is unsafe without hearing "is it really worth THE RISK". I want to know what that risk is.Thanks!tldr: Microwave water, shake it around, add formula, feed it to your kid. Dangerous? via /r/Parenting

7 year old daughter being bullied. How to handle it?

It is not school it's gymnastics. A few other girls are calling her names, making fun of her, etc. She was crying last time.What can I do?nothing (that is pretty much out of question)talk to her, give her advice how to handle them and stand up for herself (not sure I can make her reply to them, she is pretty shy)talk to the (bad) kids directly. I remember when I was a kid and I asked parents help, that was also adding to the reasons to be bullied, so I am not sure this is the right to her coach (I think this is going to be the first step)Take her out of this club, go somewhere else. (I think ultimately this is what is going to happen, depending on #4) via /r/Parenting

2.5 year old sleeping out for the first time with us, how bad will this go?

Hi all. We are taking a short road trip for my husbands birthday next Friday and my 2 year old will be staying at her Aunts house for the night. Will drop her off like 5pm, pick her up next morning like 10am. She loves being at her aunts house, and has 2 cousins there (6 and 3) to play with. I am not concerned until bed time approaches. Every night we have to lay down with her to get her to fall asleep, usually takes about 10 minutes.. and she wakes up at least 2 times in the middle of the night and comes into our room (and we put her back in her bed). Does anyone have any experience with anything close to this scenario and had it go either good or bad? I'm worried she will keep them up all night and be scared and looking for me. I also am probably overthinking it, as I do with everything in my life! Thanks for the help! via /r/Parenting

Weekly- Wallet Wednesday- November 30, 2016

This is a weekly thread where you can share pictures of your children and cute, crazy or awful things they have done. Please upload your pictures through Imgur and post the link as a comment. Feel free to share the context of the picture! If you are not a parent yourself, this is the place to ask us anything. Also, if you ever wonder who we are, click here to meet the mod team! via /r/Parenting

Just got pregnant, but the baby's mom doesn't want to he together

My ex-girlfriend got pregnant and we are keeping the baby. Bad news is that she told me she doesn't want to stay together with me.My personal value on this is that it's better to stay together for the kid. Whatever problem she has with me, I'm willing to work it out with her so that staying for her isn't torture.I believe her religious belief tells her that we should be together, but she probably decided to not die on the inside; separation would be best.Before I get a series of response telling me that it's fine to be separated and raise the kid. I understand your point, however I don't think that works best for the kid. In the early years I worry that because 1 of us will only see the kid when we visit, those limit hours could never help a kid bond with the parent who's always coming and going.I've been imagining myself seeing the kid about 6 hours a week at the mom's place and that doesn't seem enough for the kid to know I'm the dad. It gets worse if she starts dating and her boyfriend is always around helping her while the kid is young. Will he assume this guy is their father even though mommy tells them I'm their father?I think that for the kid's best interest, both parents should be in their lives at all times. Any advice on how to convince her on this? via /r/Parenting

Stay at home parents, how do you divide up the household chores and duties that aren't kid-related?

Also, how old are your kids, and how much do you expect them to contribute? What is your partner's work schedule?Do you expect these things to change as the kids get older, or there are more of them, or maybe you go back to work? via /r/Parenting

Does she really want to be a Mother?

I'm not sure if I am in the right subreddit for this question, but here goes. This is a long story, which needs some context, so bear with me. I'm a parent myself, however this question is in relation to a relative of mine (my niece), let's just call her Mandy. I will start from when Mandy had her first child which was around eight years ago. She was with the father of her first child for a few years out of high school.She had become pregnant previous to her first child, however due to them both being so young, she had an abortion, a mutual decision. After this they started to drift apart and separated, however before they separated, she had become pregnant again, this time she decided to keep the baby.My first concern with Mandy’s behaviour started around this time, my sister told me in confidence a conversation she witnessed between Mandy and her mother about the pregnancy, Mandy had stated “this will teach him” in relation to her being pregnant and them breaking up and Mandy’s mother was in agreement, they were joking about how a baby would be a burden on her ex, not thinking about the reality of being a solo parent. Mandy had quite an obsessive nature towards this guy, stalking him, his friends, family, new girlfriends etc. and doing odd things like keying his car etc.My sister begun to believe Mandy had had her first child to spite her ex, as a way to make him pay, I also started to believe this, but I also thought she may have had the child as a way to lure her ex back in (this did not happen). I believe Mandy’s upbringing had something to do with her attitude, Mandy’s mother had become quite ill with an incurable disease in her later years, but before this her mother was a model, and could be quite a nasty person. She had lost numerous family and friends over the years, and now that her illness was taking a toll, no one really wanted to know her, because of her previous attitude.Mandy’s mother also had a very grandiose attitude and this definitely rubbed off on Mandy, she wasn’t the best of mothers either, running around after different men, taking Mandy on stalking trips as a child, not enough food in the house, always moving house. Lucky for them, my mother (who had five children herself), was very much involved in her grandchildren’s lives and would help Mandy’s mother out as much as possible, with money, food, my mother even bought a property, just so they could live in it and stop moving around every six months/year or so (because of money issues).Around a year after Mandy had her first child, she was made sole caregiver of her mother, who was now coming into the final stages of her illness. My sister believes Mandy took on the job, not out of love for her mother, but because she was being paid to do it. My sister (who was the closest to Mandy ‘s mother) said to me numerous times that Mandy’s mother was not being taken care of properly by Mandy i.e. not being washed properly, sometimes not for days, not being cooked for, bedding and clothing not changed, hair not brushed, and sometimes Mandy wouldn’t even show up etc.Around the time Mandy’s child was four, Mandy had a new partner and everything seemed to be going well, he was a genuinely nice guy, level headed etc. However not long after Mandy’s mother passed away alone in hospital, and even though I did not really like her, I always felt quite sad that she was alone during her final moments. This of course took a toll on Mandy and she became depressed, I believe she was not only depressed over her mother’s death, but also over her own guilt of not really being there for her mother, when she needed it the most.About a year after the death of her mother, Mandy became pregnant with her second child, and had her child later on that year. After the birth of her child Mandy apparently had postnatal depression, however all was not bad, Mandy and her partner were talking of marriage and making arrangements. Mandy had been given a payout of her mother’s life insurance which she spent frivolously, basically ending up in a lot of debt that she could not pay, also car payments and a mortgage to boot.Mandy and her partner eventually separated, however he stayed in the house in a separate room. Her now ex-partner has told me Mandy’s depression got worse and he was worried about her mental state. He said she was sleeping most of the day, that the day-to-day routine was not being done and the children were being somewhat neglected. He didn’t know what to do because he was working fulltime, to pay off the mortgage and other debts. I must admit I was also worried, as the children were now starting to look neglected, just like Mandy’s mother, oily hair that was not brushed, dirty faces and hands, dirty clothing, always hungry and thirsty etc. Not only that but they had two dogs, which were also being neglected.My sister spoke to Mandy about what was going on (my sister would have done anything to help), but Mandy basically blocked my sister out of her life, didn’t return calls, etc. etc. Awhile after this took place Mandy had (what the court says) a “mental breakdown” her ex-partner took her to a psychiatric hospital to get checked over and a few days later she was released. She sent her ex-partner a message stating that “she could not be a mother anymore” and she did not return home for some time. Her ex-partner got an interim parenting order against Mandy, which he was granted; it basically states that she is unfit to be a parent at this time, because of depression and mental instability.Once Mandy found this out she was furious, and she fought the decision, however her ex was given full rights. Mandy now claims she didn’t mean what she said about not being a parent and that she loves her children, however I find it hard to believe that she wants to be a parent for a number of reasons. She basically lost out on the parenting order because she met someone in the psychiatric hospital that she now claims she loves.She basically chose this guy over her children, as the lawyers gave her numerous chances to leave this guy, and she would have more contact with her children, but she refused, saying things like “but I love him” and “How my love life is any of your business?” The reason why the lawyers were so concerned was because the guy was not allowed to see his own children, due to domestic abuse, and because he was a literal junky. But she kept laying all the blame on everything and everyone else. Basically she is not taking responsibility for her own actions.Now I do believe she had depression, but I do not believe it was severe. It’s hard to say this, but I think she was somewhat faking a lot of the hardship she claimed she went through, only based on her past attitudes. Now (like her mother) she has lost the support of almost all her family, the majority of her friends. I was told by the court that Mandy and her ex had agreed that my place would be a neutral location of visitation between Mandy and her children, twice a week, of which I agreed.However I have noticed Mandy doesn’t really do anything with them while they are here. The youngest child she seems to smother and the oldest child she seems to ignore, however both are really ignored. She sits them down in front of the T.V. gives them crap food, and is either on her phone on Facebook or outside smoking. Basically out of say a four hour period with the children, she’ll spend about an hour and a half doing anything with them. Most weeks she even finds excuses as to why she may not be able to take them for one of the days…or both. I have told her if she wants to go out with them I am more than willing to go too (as she is not allowed to be alone with them, except to pick up and drop off), and she has said things like “okay cool thanks” but we have not gone out once.I try and do things with the children to keep them entertained, drawing, reading, games, going to the park etc. but the thing is, it’s not supposed to be my time with them; it’s supposed to be her time with them. There are always numerous excuses as to why she can’t parent properly, cash, tiredness, depression, her ex, her family support, her friends, her new partner (who’s now in prison) etc. But she never really looks at herself. Now she has exhausted all of her options in terms of living arrangements (as she is not allowed back home), so now she’s here living with me! She has been given almost a year now to get her life sorted, get a house, stable environment for the children, be more actively involved with their lives etc. she’s only got till February next year to get it all done, and she’s only now starting to make plans, it’s almost as if she thinks I am going to do it for her.From what I can tell she doesn’t really want to be a full time parent, she just doesn’t seem to want to be around them, and I have tried to be as unbiased as possible. I do really love her and I am very concerned that she will lose her children forever if she doesn’t get sorted, but she doesn’t seem to realize how important this all is, almost as if she doesn’t really care.I would really like some advice on how to help her see how important this is, and also I would like some opinions on whether she even wants to be a mother at all, I am trying to avoid being cut out of her life (as she did with my sister), but the tension is starting to grow and I don’t want to blow. Please any help any of you can give would be appreciated.Thanks. via /r/Parenting

Why Parents Groups Are Great For Dads

I am UK dad so this post may be slightly UK specific but I am sure it applies to dads in other countries. It is not always easy for dads to participate in groups because majority of services cater to woman needs and dads often feel intimidated. I hope this can encourage some dads to join in and get involved in groups. Please ignore parts that are UK specific and take what is worth from it instead.I'm writing this post from my own experiences as father who attended baby groups for over 4 years now.People say they love seeing dads involved in child care but to be honest there is some social stigma to being caring, involved dad. Fatherhood is great and taking active part is amazing but doesn't always come across as very "manly". I had people laugh at me for carrying flowery changing bag for my daughter. It is difficult to go there and join in and there isn't many services that take dads needs into the account.Parenting groups like my local Centre are a great place to take your first step. But lets talk about what happens at baby group.Mums are scary!First of all lets address two greatest fears that I feel dads face when going to the group.Nursery Rhymes - Yes you will have to sing and you probably don't know half of them. Here is a secret I'm going to share with you. Nursery Rhymes are designed for kids under 5!If my 4 year old daughter can learn 20 different songs so can you. After a week you will know every song by heart and will surprise your partner at home with that knowledge. Additional you never sing alone. No one will put you on a spot or make a fun of your lack of knowledge. Follow along and you will be fine. I didn't know any nursery rhymes when I started. Being foreigner it's not something you come often unless you have kids.You will be the only dad. It is likely that you will be the only male in a building. You may feel like you are invading some sacred woman ritual and out of place. Quite the opposite all the mums there will think it's sweet you participate and staff are always desperate for dads to join in. They will welcome you with open arms.Here is what you actually getFirst and for most groups are free of charge so you will lose no money or so ever by giving it a go. Even better you may come back with freebies like small book, or snacks for kids.Secondly. Groups are run by professionals, people who know how to keep little monsters occupied. Busy child is a happy child and if you are lucky they will get tired and have a nap when home.Worse case scenario you took them out of a house for an hour or 2 and they enjoyed themselves. You give your SO a break so she can have some time to herself and if you are stay at home dad it also gives you some break. Your kids will play with other kids leaving you alone for few min.Thirdly. If kids are going to make mess you may as well have someone else clean it up. Activities at groups will involve water play, play dough, and all the sticky things that your kid will love to play with. You wouldn't necessarily want them to do that at home.Finally. You are going to meet adults, this maybe your first time in a day you will get to talk to someone at your own level. exchange tips or make friends with people who have kids similar age. Parenting is fun and exciting but it's more fun if you can have someone else to talk to other than your partner.To conclude. I strongly suggest you give it a go see if you and your child like it, go to few different groups and pick something you both enjoy. If you are lucky your centre may have dad group with a male practitioner to reduce the pressure. Not many things in life come free so we should take advantage of those that do.This article post is a transcript from my dad blog via /r/Parenting

Apoocalypse Now

I'm losing count of how many times in the last few weeks I have entered a room to find a 'Se7en' or 'Silence of the Lambs'-style poop crime scene left by my potty-training two year old. The Horror. via /r/Parenting

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Husband treats girls like in the are in the military school

Hello I have been married to my husband for three years and we've been together for 5. He is a great husband, he works very hard, he is loyal and honest. He makes me laugh, calls me from work just to "hear my voice" several times a day, always affectionate. etc. We have a blended family, I have a daughter from a previous marriage and he has custody of two daughters. The problem is how he treats the girls. All of them. He is involved in their life, helps with homework, cooks with them, he taught them how to swim and ride bikes, etc. He not verbally or physically abusive, ever, but he gets very angry with them every time they don't follow his orders right away. He always assumes the worst when it comes to them, jumps to conclusions and starts blaming them, barking at them etc. The girls stay away from him for the most part which he finds frustrating, ironically, because in his mind he is a great dad. But when they come home from school and they are overwhelmed with "do this, do that, if you don't do this you will get in so much trouble...always negative reinforcement, never positive. He is even trying therapy with his youngest daughter but she always comes home from therapy crying and he comes home angry. He doesn't know how to be nurturing, maybe it's the 20 years in the military, but all he does is bark orders and gets angry if they don't exactly follow them. Has impossibly high expectations and It is a constant source of stress for me, because I am nonconfrontational and always have to be the cushion between them, to soften the blows, to pacify them. etc. I take him aside and explain he is too hard on them, I take the girls aside and explain he has high expectations, but he loves them. My speeches make no difference to the girls unfortunately. I have better luck with him, he usually listens to what I have to say and he is nicer to them for a while but a few days later he is back to his old self. It gets so exhausting because I can never relax. I always expect either him or one of the girls to get upset...any suggestions? PS. Maybe I am overreacting and I hope someone will actually tell me that I am overreacting. I via /r/Parenting

Doctors/Nurses: what is an excellent medical reference to have at home, especially in terms of children's symptoms?

Hello folks. My two little guys, 1 and 4, have been having a pretty hard time lately. Is there an excellent parental medical reference book to have on hand? I'm looking for something more clinical, and non-homeopathic.What brought this to mind was that my wife took my youngest son to have some inoculations done two days ago, and I couldn't attend. I didn't get the info as to what was normal in terms of reactions and possible symptoms that might become evident as a result of the shots, and my wife was unavailable when my son started to go a little bonkers. We got through it just fine.But when it first started, I went online to do some research and was immediately disappointed. The search results are choked with ad-heavy loony garbage that didn't even bear the effort to click.So. Is there a book, made of real paper, that is dependable and relatively empirical that is helpful to a parent in need of info about their child's symptomatic presentations?I am hopeful. Thanks to anyone who has good recommendations. via /r/Parenting

How do other single fathers manage to do it?

My wife recently left me, we are on speaking terms but 95% of the time I am not working I have the kids (5 & 6). I work 10-12hrs a day with a 1hr commute. I did almost everything before she left anyways, which is part of this seperation but I am having a hard time. Get into town, get something easy for groceries.....Pickup from babysitter or daycare...Give kids baths/showers, take dogs out.. Throw laundy in, put away/in dishes....Make dinner... It goes on but basically by the time I get everything done I need to get to bed to get my 6hrs of sleep in and do it all again. I am a bit of an introvert so no possibility for friends doesnt bother me....However thinking it about it today, I realized that I dont even have time to spend any time with my kids. They realize now the seperation is real and one night me and my son had a cry together about it. Seperation/divorce is hard enough for kids but to not have any real time together with either parent is going to make things worse. I just dont know what to do. How do other fathers manage? I considered leaving my job for something with less hours but then we would be struggling money wise and I don't want them to grow up dirt poor like I had to do. Sorry had to vent a bit but basically looking for advice via /r/Parenting

Family or Daycare?

My mother in law watched my now 4 year old from Infancy through when he was 3. She didn't do anything unsafe or dangerous, but never listened to a word we said regarding schedule, deliberately made him not nap, put him in front of the tv for hours, gave him all kinds of junk food and generally didn't understand the difference between being a caretaker and a grandma. By the time she was done, he had behavioral issues, needed dental work and was overweight. We were able to fix those things when I went on maternity leave with my second.We now have an 8 month old infant, and are debating putting the baby in daycare 2 days a week to avoid my MIL watching him. My husband and I are torn as to whether or not were overreacting.Would you prefer a well run daycare or a family member who does a mediocre job? via /r/Parenting

I left

Cuz fuck him. Fuck him for being a dick and treating me and the kid like shit. Fuck him for the mind games and the lying and manipulation and the gaslighting. He's a narcissist and I can't believe I married and procreated with him.I get it, your ex wife tells you you can't see your two oldest because of me. She breaks visitation rules and keeps the kids from us. She hates me, I know that, because I'm younger and we had what I thought was a solid marriage. I can't help that the ex wife's jealously gets the best of her and she won't do what's right for my step kids. Does the dick I married take this up with the court? Nope. Doesn't matter he's paying 1200 a mo for kids he's supposed to get every weekend and IF his ex wife feels generous, we may get them twice a month. But noooo, it's not his ex wife's fault, it's all mine. WhateverBut now I see WHY he and his ex wife divorce. It's no wonder she keeps their kids away from him. He's a fucking abuser and I have no idea how she put up with it for as long as she did. I know she still doesn't like me but fuck, at least I know what she went through and all the shit he was telling me was at least exaggerated on his partSunday night he was being shitty. Wouldn't talk to me, wouldn't acknowledge the kid. Just played stupid games on his phone. Threw the dinner I made for him away. Just being a moody jerk. Even yelled at the kid for wanting something to do with him.I had important things to do yesterday. But he didn't want to take me. Told me to find a ride somewhere else. So I did, I got a friend to give me a ride to all of mine and the kid's appointments yesterday. That only pissed him off more so he started sending me really nasty text messages. Trying to manipulate me to leave my appointments early, giving me shit for doing EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID TO DO. But whatever, I gave into his demands and left my appointments early and came back home.But ofc, that wasn't good enough either. He wanted to start a fight. I was just so fed up with his crap I grabbed the kid and started walking with him on my hip and the diaper bag on my shoulder. But I realized how stupid I was being and went back. He barricaded himself in our room, ok fine whatever, be childish and not own up to your shittinessI just couldn't take it anymore. I packed some clothes and everything else the kid needed for a few days and packed myself some things, called a cab and left. Kid and I are at a motel now but we're good. Dick haver is threatening to file for divorce if I don't come back and is just being mean and nasty. Ok whatever, go ahead and file. I love the stupid fucker but we are not good for each other and he's not healthy and it's not a healthy place for a kid to be. No He's never hit me but the goddamn mind games and the emotional/verbal abuse is more than enough for me to want to call it quits right nowIt'll be ok. I've got friends who are more than willing to look out for me and the kid. They'll be making the 7 hour trip to come and get us either Sat or Sun. yeah, I'm going to fuck my credit up by using my only credit card with a 250 limit on it but at least we'll have somewhere to sleep until then and we'll have food. I'll pay it off whenever I'm able to I guessHe's still texting me and generally being shitty but I'm just ignoring it. He can threaten all he likes but I'm not going back. I just can't fucking deal with it anymore via /r/Parenting

My toddler cried for hours every day for 5 weeks straight [update 3]

The Beginning (3 weeks in)Update 1 (Mid 3rd week)Update 2 (Start of 4th week)My son began crying uncontrollably one late afternoon. He had woke up from his nap in what seemed to be a nightmare. For the past couple weeks, he was attached to our hips never letting us put him down. In the first week, we couldn't even sit. It was horrible and tiring. It seemed like we lost all hope by the end of the 4th week. Going into week 5 it didn't seem like it was worth updating, it was much of the same thing.We got 4 days off school this thanksgiving weekend and notice something spectacular. He was letting us put him down while we were in the same room! We wanted to test how far we could push this. We put him down a different time, then lied in bed...he didn't cry! This was a huge improvement from anything the past 5 weeks. Yesterday his mom dared to do the laundry, leaving him in the room and letting him follow if he wanted. He ran around in the hallway while she did laundry! His mom left for school today and he only cried for 2 minutes!It finally feels like life is manageable again, and I can do basic things with both my hands without having a clawing screaming baby on me 24/7. Like the problem suddenly developed, it suddenly ended and my toddler seems normal again!I had been given a lot of advice throughout my 3 previous posts. His pediatrician was unsure about what could possibly be bothering him and felt a blood draw was unnecessary. Instead she referred us to behavioral. We are still waiting to do his speech therapy but it seems like things are looking good from this point on. Besides advice, I got a plenty of support and good comments I didn't expect from a small subreddit. Thank you to everyone who replied to those threads they were useful and reassuring especially to us new parents.TL;DR Life was hell, now its not via /r/Parenting

Not sure if I'm in the right subreddit but my baby won't stop crying.

She is 4 weeks old and have tried literally everything. It's around the same time every night, 22:00-01:00. Nothing seems to soothe her. She's had a bottle, been burped, clean nappy, had cuddles, been laid down. Sometimes likes a dummy but more often than not spits it out. Nothing works she just screams. Any advice? via /r/Parenting

Three-year-old asking to go to the bathroom WAY too many times at school and during meal times

Hi all. So, my daughter turned three four months ago, and they've been very difficult months behaviorally-speaking, mostly because she's determined to be as autonomous and independent as possible (for example, she had two brief melt-downs this morning, first because I wouldn't let her wear a sun-dress in 50-degree weather and secondly because I put the sun-dress back on the hanger - she wanted to hang it up herself). This has affected her potty habits in two opposite ways:Starting a few months ago, it got extremely hard to get her to take a bathroom break, especially when she's happily playing (she'd been out of diapers and pull-ups since about 2.5). I had to physically place and hold her on the seat many times, because she would have accidents if allowed to choose when to go. One particularly bad accident happened at preschool, where she peed in the hallway on the way to the restroom and wouldn't let her teacher put a pull-up on (I had forgotten to pack a change that day). Luckily, this happened five minutes before pick-up - I had to carry her to the car wrapped in a blanket.That may have contributed to a trend her teacher has noticed these past few weeks: she asks to go way, way, way too many times. Today, it was 12 times in six hours, including 5 times while her class was in the gym. At home, her habits are pretty normal...except when she wants a "get out of dinner free card" - half the time, she sits down for about ten seconds without doing anything, then announces that she's done. It's like she's realized that no adult wants to tell her she can't go potty, and uses that as an escape from activities she's not crazy about. I also think she likes the school bathroom a lot, since everything is child-sized and accessible, and her teachers let her do it by herself, which is so important to her right now.I don't think it's a medical issue, since she only does it some of the time. I'm looking for a strategy that I can submit to her teacher to limit unnecessary and disruptive breaks. Thanks.Bonus question: how to combat the tyranny of a child who wants to fight about the details of every single task all day? I'm getting very frustrated. via /r/Parenting

My 11 month old is doing faces.. what else is next?

She recently started like doing a squinty face... Its a squinty face that is just to cute. She got it from dad when he has a questionable doubt. lol Now all she does is this squinty face all day every day. What else will she be doing? I am so excited!!!! via /r/Parenting

Board games for toddlers?

My kid will be 3 in January, and I'm getting her Candyland for Christmas. I'm not sure if she's ready to play it, but man, am I ever ready to play some games like that with her!When were your kids able to handle aspects of a board game: rules, attention, understanding?What games did you play? What games would you recommend for young toddlers? via /r/Parenting

3 year old daughter wants to "read" to us at night - is this beneficial?

We read to our 3 daughter every night before bed but recently she has demanded that she read to us instead.We will snuggle in and she goes through a book in about 10 seconds making up a story along the way. After she is finished, we attempt to read her a story but she refuses to listen and again wants to read to us.I think her "reading" to us is fantastic but I worry that is doesn't have as much benefit as us reading to her. Has anyone had experience with this or have any thoughts? via /r/Parenting

Achieving peak husband for wife's birthday...

Made a reservation for the super fancy restaurant she's been dying to go to for a long time, scheduled the nanny for additional hours, kids made homemade cards and presents, made a cake at midnight to surprise her in the morning...And the thing that made her 'ooo' and 'aah' the most? The fact that I folded and put away all the laundry and tidied up the house... :p via /r/Parenting

Europe with 4 kids under 10 - am I crazy???

Hi all, long time lurker here. Reddit has always been a great source for me, but travelling to Europe with 4 kids - does not seem to be a popular topic.I seek the always generous wisdom here.In May, I'll be in France and have about a 3 week timeframe to travel. I'm not a stranger to traveling abroad, although, with 4 kids under 10 in tow, is a different story. I've researched around the interwebz and there are not that many resources for multiple travellers. Granted, for parents with two kids, there is a wealth of knowledge. Mommy and I have been lucky with 4 and want to share the travels of Europe.We've thought about taking the Eurail from Paris to London, then to Ireland. We think 3 or 4 full days in 3 countries would be sufficient, given ourselves 1 full day to travel/decompress.I'm starting to think, that leaving from London, would be our final destination. We are also open to leaving from Barcelona or Rome.Should I plan around Paris/London/Ireland?Or try Barcelona/Rome?Any help, would be GREATLY appreciated.x-posted in /r/travel via /r/Parenting

9 month old waking up 5+ times a night.

HELP! Breastfeeding. Co-sleeping. Stay at home mom. Doctor says stick him in the crib and let him cry it out. Last time we tried that he started shaking uncontrollably and vomiting. We got rid of the crib. Cant sleep (including naps) without me. If i leave his side while he sleeping he ends up waking up and screaming. Wont go back to sleep.Advice? via /r/Parenting

Odd new behavior in toddler

My little guy is 2 next month. For the last week, he's been waking early. No big deal, I know this happens, but he seems unusually upset.The upset continues through the morning, off and on. Apparently he is fine at daycare, but they have noticed that he is quieter, and he seems to want to lie down all the time. He even lay down outside the other day. They asked him if he was ok, he was, they stood him up and he lay back down.I noticed he was walking on his toes yesterday...He never did this, he's been waking normally for a year, and while he tiptoes when he wants to, this seems out of place for him, and he seemed frustrated by it rather than playing.This morning he was insisting that I lift him up and carry him around...but this was after he ran to me to get a hug. If I put him down he'd start to cry and ask to be carried again.He's also very attached to me right now. Normally he's fine with daddy unless he's sick, in which case he only wants mommy.No fever, cough, runny nose...apart from the unwillingness to stand or walk, and being extra clingy, he seems ok. He does walk around at daycare, so there is no physical issue that we can see.Growing pains maybe? via /r/Parenting

The holiday's don't have to be about material things.

My wife and I used to be those parents who gave my son all of the toys, electronics, and things that won't be played in two months. Over the past 4 years we have shifted away from material gifts. Just wanted to put it out there you can still get your child gifts but gifts about experiences.This year we've gotten.Monster Truck Show tickets, movie tickets, annual zoo passes, water park passes, and a national park pass.Just wanted to put it out there you can still give gifts that build memories with your children.Happy Holidays via /r/Parenting

Keep toddler in bed [sleeping]

It's 5am and I've been up for the past 20 minutes because my 4 1/2 year old daughter refused to get back in her bed by herself and now I can't get back to sleep. She wakes up a couple times a night usually to try and sneak in our bed. She's never allowed to stay at this point, but I'm getting close to not being able to take it anymore. She's been sleeping in her own bed for about 8 months now. I expected this in the beginning, but it's been more than long enough at this point. How can I get her to stay in her bed and stop waking me up every night??? via /r/Parenting

Weekly - Ask parents everything - November 29, 2016

This bi-weekly thread is meant as a place for non-parents and parents to ask questions to the community.Note - Remember that all questions and responses must adhere to our community rules.For daily questions see /r/Askparents via /r/Parenting

I hate winter months

My poor baby has been sick 3 times this month, once with a nasty fever and twice with the stomach flu. Puking is never fun with a toddler who doesn't understand and is understandably freaked out. just needed to rant I'm running on 2 hours sleep orz via /r/Parenting

5 am wakeups...what to do?

Hi /r/parenting,My 9 month old boy is in week 2 of cry it out/ferber(ish) method, and its been a little rough going. He goes down within 5 minutes at the beginning of the night, but has consistently woken twice a night to cry (he's still breastfed, I usually take him in to see Mom if he wakes after 12 am). The waking periods have been getting shorter (1.5 hours down to ~20 minutes), but still pretty discouraging. However, last night...he grouped his wakings to 9 and 10 pm, about 20 minutes each...then slept through till 5:10!Huzzah! I'll take it. But, now I have a problem. Based on past experience of the 5 am wakings, as this waking has happened before both pre-CIO cosleeping and during-CIO, if he stands up to cry he's awake for the day (but still very tired, rubbing eyes etc). I've tried to put him back down in his crib during this early morning period, but CIO does not seem effective for him at this time, and he's in danger of waking his sister too early who is sleeping across the hall. I've read of the melatonin reduction between 4 and 6 am, and he's definitely textbook in their descriptions - light sleeping, more active, harder to get down, etc.This morning he ate, cooed at mom for 5 minutes, then fell asleep next to her. With him being so tired, I was fearful to move him back to his bed which might cause everyone in the house to wake if he woke up. I'd like to leave him with mom if it won't mess up his sleep the next night...I know mom loves the cuddles, and if I can get him to sleep another 1-2 hours he's much happier during the day. But I also don't want to regress on his nighttime sleeping.Those who have done CIO/Ferber, how have you handled the 5 am wakeups? Have some of you co-slept at that time? If so, any negative reprocussions that come up on the following nights sleep? via /r/Parenting

My [34 F] husband [36 M] says he doesn't love our newborn daughter yet. I'm scared he never will.

I tried posting to Relationships but was sent here.I gave birth to my second daughter about a week ago. It wasn't the easiest pregnancy (complications due to Lyme infection, which were resolved) plus I really didn't want to have a second cesarean: I don't like the drugs, didn't want to heal from a second surgery with an active 3 year old, didn't want to have to go through major surgery while awake. (Spoiler alert: it's terrifying.) Plus our hospital does not allow anyone in the room during the spinal, so you're without your support person during the scariest part, and you have to trust that someone will get them, which of course, if something goes wrong, they won't.Anyway, I had a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). I rocked it you guys. I was lucky: no back labor, labored for maybe 15 hours, then pushed her out in an hour. She is beautiful.Here's my problem. My husband has totally been my rock, all through labor, through the baby blues that hit on Thanksgiving (he cooked a turkey, had both our families over, and had them all boss him around all day), has been changing diapers, running to the store, calming down a dramatic 3 year old, getting me pads at 11pm, all the things.The first night when I was exhausted from labor, he held her for hours. In the morning he told me he thought she was even more beautiful than the day before. Off to a good start, right? Last night he admitted to me that he doesn't love her yet. Obviously I don't get it. I loved her right away. At first just a little. Then more and more as we bonded. Nursing especially seems to do this for me.He says that it's "different for guys" and that he is mostly worried that our older daughter is taken care of right now. I have to admit I kind of shut down and told him that I just couldn't hear about it again.Tonight he tried to "give me a break" so I could eat dinner with our daughter. She started to cry, and he starts to look for this pacifier that is the only one she likes. It's totally missing, and we had play date friends over in the morning, so who know where a couple of toddlers could have put it, lol. So 15 minutes ensues of him stomping around with a crying baby looking for a pacifier (not a relaxing break for anyone!). I'm thinking, she's pretty easy for a baby- talk to her, make eye contact, hum or sing. All the things he did the first night! Instead he just wants to put a plug in it to shut it up.I guess since he told me how he felt, I haven't wanted to burden him with caring for her, and tried to just do it all myself all day, but is it a vicious cycle? I can tell he is just completely annoyed with her crying during diaper changes, or in general. How can he bond if he, well, doesn't? What if he never gets to the same level of feeling that he had for our oldest?I do think he cares somewhat because I do feel that I can trust him to keep her safe: he checks on her to make sure she is wrapped safely, reminds me to not let our dogs or toddler be unsupervised with her, etc. (not that I would!) But if the love isn't there? I'm especially worried because he says "it was instant" with our first.Does anyone have a similar experience or advice?tl;dr: My husband admitted that he doesn't have feelings for our second daughter, born about a week ago. He has been helping me care for her, but I guess he is going through the motions? He says it's "different for guys" but he also says that he loved our first daughter right away. via /r/Parenting

Monday, 28 November 2016

Soccer club let my 8 year old cry on the bench the entire game and told him "your mom didn't pay the fees"

This is mostly a rant about people's lack of compassion and over reliance on smartphones for communication. My son plays competitive soccer with a club and they have a pay system that's in instalments . Season is oct to march. The last payment for the season was due Nov. 1, however I said I would pay at the end of the month, October was tough for us. After sending him down with his team and after playing with my other son, we finally settle down to watch the game. I decide to check my email ~~ he wasn't on the field anyway. I received an email from the coordinator at 1pm earlier that day saying if I didn't pay, he couldn't play. I thought for sure since we were there already they would just let him play. Nope, I look closely and can see him on the bench by himself and clearly he was drooped over and crying. I quickly went down and tried my best to get his or the coaches attention but it's hard the way the building is and with the noise. I texted the coach and he responded quickly that he was just following procedure, he will wait to hear from the coordinator, and maybe my son can go in the second half. Nope, he sits the entire game on the bench alone, while I felt so terrible and helpless. After the game my son was so upset in the car he could barely speak. I know that I didn't pay the fees in time, but I had said i would and since there was no other communication I figured that was ok. I honestly would of just stayed home and used an excuse as to why we were skipping that game had I seen the message and known what was going to happen. Although I would of called first to confirm their disciplinary actions. I am just so upset at the way they handled the situation. Why would the coach let him cry the entire game like that and not let him play? Or why couldn't he let him play and approach me privately after or before the game and warn me for the next one? This was the last November game anyway. I'm so mad that they couldn't make sure to communicate with me directly instead of relying on email and then informing my son like that. Approaching me privately would of been better. It was hard to drive home and explain things you shouldn't have to say to an 8 year old. He was crying and said 'why would he say that in front of my whole team?' This is after he was told 'your mom didn't pay the fees' by his coach. Why would they involve him like that? Couldn't they think maybe mom doesn't know about the last minute memo? Worse is now he's anxious about going back and doesn't view his coach as a soccer hero anymore. Kids are resilient but where's the compassion and common sense to leave them out of things? And Don't email me that crap last minute. Phone me, talk to me in person. End of rant. via /r/Parenting

Unexpected moments

i started teaching my daughter piano in June, and today we sat down and played a duet of Jingle Bells with her, nearly perfectly. She's not quite five and a half. I can remember playing duets with my grandmother not much older and hating it with a passion, so it's amazing to me that she and I can now share these moments happily together. via /r/Parenting

Can a father get full custody of the child right after birth?

Okay so here's my situation:My girlfriend and I are both 20 years old. She's currently in college while I already have my own job and place in another state. She recently found out that she was pregnant and is 100% set on sending the child up for adoption so that she can finish college while I on the other hand am more than willing to take care of the child, on my own if need be. I'm the one who got her pregnant and I'm ready to take responsibility for my action, not to mention I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing my offspring was being raised by someone else because my girlfriend "is too busy with school". I have a construction job working 40 hours a week and making about $1,200 weekly. My rent is $400 a month, and I spend about $100 on food/gas a week. While this isn't the best, it leaves a good chunk of money for the child's expenses. On top of this, my retired parents live 20 minutes away & would love to babysit while I'm at work, in place of a daycare. My girlfriend's point-of-view is that since she doesn't want to raise the child, she doesn't want me to raise them either. From what I've heard (correct me if I'm wrong), the unmarried mother automatically gets custody of the child, or something like that, and I'd have to go through court to get full custody of the child. From what I've also heard, courts tend to be more in favor of the mothers arguments in these kinds of situations. I'd be sick if she could somehow pull together a convincing enough argument to have the judges agree to not giving me custody, even though I'm prepared and more than willing. So what I'm asking is: Is it realistically possible for me to get full custody of this child?P.S. - Please don't give me a "As a mother/father of 4, I can tell you firsthand you're never ready to be a parent, especially at your young age." story. While that is respected & would be much appreciated in another forum, it's not quite what I'm asking or looking to hear. via /r/Parenting

My 13 year is in a mental hospital

I'm at a loss for words right now, yet I still really want advice. She got there by threatening to kill her self then running away barefoot when I told her I was calling 911. She is now in a great mental health facility (from what I can tell) and I just dropped her stuff off. She'll be gone at least a week, maybe more. She used her one phone call on her boyfriend (I know, but he really is a good kid and they are never left unsupervised ) and he let me know she is fine but mad at me due to the fact that I handled her outburst 'wrong'. We have our first family counseling session (daughter and I) in a few days. It will be the first time I talk to her in days. I'm scared, sad, worried and still upset that she ran off.What do I say? How can I make her stay there the most beneficial? What resources are available to a single mom who wants to take some sort of class on raising teenagers? Any advice, thoughts and even criticism is welcome and appreciated. via /r/Parenting

Gearing up for Court (VA)

I've had custody of my kids for about six years. Their mother and I recently went to court because she didn't think an internship during my son's senior year was worth missing his summer visitation.My son is about to graduate so the court date for adjustments to the parenting plan really only affect my younger daughter.I have a lawyer. I hired him last May and he'll be in court for February's hearing.What should I be bringing into court with me?Do I need to show every horrible email or text message she's sent me?Should I be concerned about her doing the same?My head is swimming right now and it's tough to keep a game face.I know she'll be pulling no punches because she wants custody back. Regardless of how unlikely it is.Anyone gone through something like this? I'll be speaking with my lawyer in the next couple of weeks since the discovery period is coming up.I guess I'm just looking for some peace of mind.Thanks, all. via /r/Parenting

Teacher threatened my 6 year old with jail for "forging" my signature

My son goes to a religious school that went downhill after turnover of both the principal and several teachers. His 1st grade teacher is a complete nut, but we've been dealing with it until we can switch schools.Teacher sends home a "did you go to church on Sunday?" slip every weekend; if the parent checks yes and signs it, the child gets candy on Monday. This past weekend, my son did go to church, but I forgot to sign the slip. When he got to school and realized this, he wrote my name on the signature line. The teacher told him that this was illegal and that he could go to jail for it. My son was terrified to tell me, because he was afraid that he was actually going to be arrested and sent to jail.Let me be clear on my stance - while it was wrong for him to sign my name, there was no intent of malice or deception, rather a simple error in judgment. His logic was that he did go to church, and if Mom's name was on the paper saying so, he could have candy. The teacher should have addressed this with a simple "You may not sign your parents' names for them when I ask for their signature." and a note home - there was no need to tell my SIX YEAR OLD that he could go to JAIL for this.This is the most recent in a long string of incidents that involve his teacher not giving warnings and going straight to the nuclear option for 6 year olds doing shit that 6 year olds do.Since I'm not at all clear-headed about this should I handle this with the school? via /r/Parenting

Serious question for those who receive child support

So I was wondering if there was anyone out there who thinks that they might have been better off not going for child support. I am currently pregnant, and about to be another typical single mother stereotype. Ha. He wants absolutely nothing to do with our child. He is kind of a narcissist. Anyway I came from a fatherless home and my mother never went for child support or tried to contact him after he decided to leave. I think about how much having extra income could benefit my daughters life, but I am also concerned with how it might effect her in the future if he decides to be apart of her life. I have had a good relationship with my own father the past 5 years that he has come into my life. But is that maybe a possibility because there is no financial resentment? I am just trying to weigh the pros and cons of this scenario. So I guess basically I am asking if there is anyone out there who, due to the outcome, might wish that they wouldn't have gone for child support and just let the other parent leave.Thank you!And if anyone knows of a better subreddit to post this too, please let me know!! via /r/Parenting