Saturday, 25 January 2020

The most scared I have ever been

I try to keep my stories funny, because I love making people laugh, but this is not funny. The story ends with everyone being fine, but it does involve a baby injury if you're sensitive to that.Yesterday, at around 8:30, I was holding my ten month old's hands and walking with him. He was holding a metal spoon in his mouth with his free hand. He stumbled and fell with the spoon still in his mouth. A second later, he was screaming and blood was pouring out of his mouth. Then he started choking.I called 911 asap l, paramedics came within 5 minutes. Baby boy had stopped crying at that point, no more choking. They checked him out and said he was ok but to take him to a doctor to follow up.I call our doctor's office and it takes them two hours to get back to me. The nurse on the line questioned if I really wanted to bring baby in, since he was checked out by paramedics. I pushed it and said absolutely, I'm bringing him to the hospital if you can't get me in. She scoffed a little at that, but made an appointment.Right after that phonecall, baby boy was inconsolable. He wouldn't eat, he screamed every time he swallowed, and he couldn't get any sleep. I called back and got the appointment moved up.Went to the doctor who sent me straight to the hospital, since there was significant damage to his mouth and she was worried about damaged arteries and fluid buildup from him inhaling blood. So we spent three hours at the Children's hospital getting checked out. He has two decent sized lacerations on his hard pallet (which was the best news to hear. No swelling or anything there). They gave him some baby pain meds, made sure he would breastfeed, then discharged us.Youngest is great today, you can't even tell he was injured. But I was so terrified all day yesterday. I yelled at the 911 operator, yelled at two spam callers, yelled at my phone in general, got very snippy with a doubtful nurse, and almost murdered a late ENT doctor. Injured babies bring out my suppressed anger issues I guess.I am really just telling this story because I need to get it out and vent to strangers, I guess. If you want to tell me your injured baby stories that ended well, it would be appreciated. via /r/Parenting

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