Saturday, 25 January 2020

My Best Friend hasn’t reached out since I have given birth.

So I could really use a different perspective on this situation and I’m sticking to this sub since maybe you all have previous experience.A little over two weeks ago I went into labor, she came early so I didn’t have a call list ready for my husband. That night on the way to the hospital I sent a screenshot to my 3 best girlfriends of my husbands phone number telling them to contact my husband for updates because I was on my way to the hospital. All three did initially reach out asking for details to which my husband replied however after that my best friend did not contact him.Even the day’s while I was at the hospital I received no text from her congratulating me. About 5 days after giving birth I reached out to her asking about dog crate I let her borrow asking for it back because our dog was having a bad reaction to the baby by pissing all over the house. She stated that it was at her parents house that was an hour away and she couldn’t get it. That was the last I heard from her which was almost two weeks ago.It has been harder for us to hang out recently because I was in my third trimester but we recently talked about hanging out more this year.How would you respond to this? Would you reach out, would you take this as a huge slap in the face. I dunno what to think. She was my MOH a year ago so this is hard to process. via /r/Parenting

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