Curious if anyone else has gone thru something similar. My daughter gets a song line in her head and won't, even can't, stop singing it over and over. It's the opening line to Old Town Road for 90 minutes straight or "Thunder, feel the thunder" or whatever was just on last...and she just goes on and on and on. It's maddening. She means nothing bad by it, but it gets to the point where you can't be in the same room with her.My wife and I love music and I dabble in guitar so we want to encourage musicality. But sweet freaking moses I'm afraid I'm going to lose it and just lash out at some point.To be clear: she's a really great kid, we sing together sometimes, I have a high tolerance for immaturity. But this is just relentless.Any other parents dealing with this? Suggestions? via /r/Parenting
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