Saturday, 25 January 2020

Finally, with my 5th child I’ve had enough time off work to know his cries as well as his mother. Don’t be me, don’t be most Americans if you can.. take a TON Of leave with your baby.

So I’m standing here crying a bit... title says a lot I hope. My lil 9 month old is playing, suddenly starts to snivel and cry.It was... 60 seconds I listened to him “that’s a hungry cry, I’ll make a bottle”It’s... different from a tired cry, and different from frustrated, and different from “I’m stuck under a chair!”I’m super close to all my kids. I’m a decent dad. I’ve been puked on and shit on and changed my share of diapers... I’ve made countless bottles, washed the breast pump, built cribs and washed countless pissed-on sheets. I chaperone field trips, go to parent teacher conferences. I’ve been there for my kids. I friggin love my kids.But here’s the thing - with all that.. this is the only one that I know his cries so well, so specifically. Why?I took 6 weeks of leave when he was born. I’ve taken weeks since then. I rearranged days so I could make every doctor appointment, rather than daycare at 12 weeks, my wife took 6 months off and then went back to school part time, so he was always home for 6 months.Guys (and gals).... if you’re plotting to “get back to work” at 6 weeks or whatever... and people... going back to work a couple days after momma is home...You’re missing something that’s amazing. These early days... holy shit. You need all day, every day, with your baby. It’s so different, and I’m a bit angry and sad i missed it before. Imagine a year, how amazing that could be... (hint, it’s not uncommon, just not in the US)If you can in any way swing it, take every second you can with that gurgling, shitting mess. You may learn their cries, and it’s not to be missed. via /r/Parenting

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