LO goes to bed at 8, and at 7:30 the movie she was watching finished. Her dad must be having a bad day, as anytime she got up and played he would tell her to stop and go sit on the couch. I felt bad, so made her some popcorn, put on toy story and we watched a movie...She only paid attention for maybe 20 minutes before she was rolling around on the floor playing and half paying attention. Okay fine, as long as she's not bouncing around the whole room...well the movie ends and she goes to look for a specific toy. I tell her it's not in the end table, she took it out the other day. She doesn't believe me, so she proceeds to pull everything out of it. I tell her to stop, and remind her again that it's not in there. She gets more aggressive and certain it's in there and pulls everything out. I'm now annoyed, and told her to stop again. She says no, whining that she's just looking for the toy. I again, remind her it's not in there and if she's not going to listen she's going to bed early. She proceeds to have a melt down about this toy that she's sure is still inside the now empty table. I pulled her away, put everything back I and she's still crying. So I tell her to go to the bathroom, we are getting ready for bed. She's still screaming about the toy! And mommy gets frustrated and yells at her to go to the bathroom. We go back and forth for a bit before she finally does it. I send her to bed. She reminds me we haven't done her teeth yet, so we go brush and she goes to bed.Its now when she would go to bed, and she's still talking and crying at me through the door. I now feel awful because I yelled and she went to bed after so much upset. I'm torn between going in and tucking her into bed, or letting her out for a few minutes, to kinda reset the mood for sleep...or just leaving her in there. I didn't mean to get so frustrated, and now it's bedtime and I'm not sure what to do.Edit- thanks guys. I had her come out and say goodnight to her dad, as he was outside when she went in her room the first time. Told her I was sorry for yelling, but that it was still bedtime so I needed her to get back In bed. We hugged, snuggled for a minute and I tucked her in. She was a lot happier going to bed the 2nd time and I feel a bit better. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/38Evaof
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