Monday, 26 August 2019

I forgot to register her for school

Is there a TOTAL FAIL flair?In my country, school starts today and even if the kid is continuing from the previous year in the same school, you still have to go a week prior to drop off some papers, in a way to let the school know to keep the kid’s place – as sometimes it happens that families move or whatever, and they want to make sure the kill will indeed be back for next year.Well my stupid self completely forgot about it.Yesterday I was peacefully lying on my couch thinking about the mysteries of life and then I remembered, oh I think I should have gone to the bank to make the payment so she can turn in the receipt tomorrow, so I go to my desk and look at the papers to find the bank account number… and there it is, the calendar saying I should have gone on either August 19th or 20th to do the re-registration.Kill. Me. Now.I start freaking out and my kid was there with me so she knew something happened (she's 13). I should have handled it better but I was completely going insane I wanted to cry cause I was so angry at myself for not doing the one thing that would ensure her spot in this school year. I kept myself together enough not to burst into tears but I was close a couple of times. After a few minutes I sat there in defeat just not knowing what to do. So I took a deep breath and got ready to go to the bank and made the payment (yay for ATMs) and had the worst night sleep I’ve had in months – I even dreamed about it. You have to understand, as a single parent, I’m a planner, I have to have everything laid out and consider every single angle to every situation and have several plan Bs in place and always be on top of shit. I have no one to share the mental load with, I feel like a complete failure.Anyways, I went to the school this morning with my tail between my legs and luckily got a very nice lady (this is a public school in a developing country so that’s not always the case) who gave me the “I’ve heard this story many times” face, and told me I can come back later to drop off the papers and kid can join class today with no issue.I know objectively it wasn’t the end of the world, I knew it was something that could be fixed but emotionally I felt (and still do) like the scum of the earth. Kid saw how I reacted and was trying to console me saying I shouldn’t be sad, that it was going to be alright.Good kid has crappy parent :( via /r/Parenting

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