Friday, 30 August 2019

When you want more babies (kids) and literally cannot.

I have nothing really groundbreaking to say but it's the weekend before my son, who we were blessed to be chosen to parent, starts first grade, and when my daughter would have started middle school in 6th grade if not for cancer, and every moment is slipping away and fleeting. I always said I wouldn't be one of those moms who cried as my son grew up and reached milestones because it is such a joy that he gets to grow up. But I want more children and cannot have them, and as he grows older and more independent the knowledge that these are my only chances to cherish these moments, it's too much. I always wanted four or five kids and I am so thankful for the child I bore but lost and the child I didn't bear but received. My children are not not-enough but also I love children and wish I could parent more of them. Everyone has a great heartbreak I guess. via /r/Parenting

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