My son is 6 and in first grade. He started riding the bus this year because the pickup and drop off twice a day all year was becoming very gas expensive and hard on his baby sister. He is a very loud, determined, active child. He’s already been placed in a seat belt, we’ve had talks with the driver, and just this morning I got a call asking what his electronic earmuffs are, because he’s whacking kids with them, and does he have a tablet that he can use to play games on to distract him during the ride? Wednesday his behavior was so disruptive that the driver had to pull the bus over to go talk to him. At school he’s messing with water fountains, toilets, lights....he’s throwing sticks and insulting teachers, he’s giving us tude at home. I don’t even know what advice to ask for, I’m so overwhelmed right now. His dad doesn’t want him to be the “special kid” so he hates that I’ve limited dyes (which means that when the rest of the kids get birthday treats or candy he can’t), that he has those electric earmuffs (sound bothers him a lot). But just letting him do whatever clearly isn’t working because he’s becoming THAT kid. We have rewards systems in place but he is quite capable of adjusting his thinking so that losing the rewards doesn’t hurt as much. My mother tells me I was the same way, but I was in no way as chaotic and disruptive as my son. My husband was moreso and he ended up on Ritalin, which was a bad experience and has now ruined his opinion of meds altogether. I’m not fond of meds either but something’s gotta give. via /r/Parenting
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