Saturday, 31 August 2019

Now that my almost 2 year old has learned how to open a door, I no longer have my quiet coffee time on my porch on the weekend.

On the weekends, my toddler wakes up around 7am. I change her and give her some juice and she plays in her room. I make my coffee. Her older siblings start to wake up and interact with her around the same time. Dad is up at this time, but still in bed(browsing reddit I presume). I usually take my coffee outside and spark my morning cig (don’t judge me). But now. She’s tall enough to pull the handle on the door. Within minutes of me settling on my porch for my morning coffee and smoke, she’s opening the back door. “MOMMY!! I play outside!” sigh. I’m sad to say I think my 10 minutes of mommy alone time is forever diminished. So, I put out my smoke and play with her on her slide....and wait for nap time. via /r/Parenting

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