Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Both Grandparents Using Same Names

Does anybody have a situation where their kids call both sets of grandparents by the same names? “Grandma” and “grandpa”?Both my parents and my husband’s parents were first time grandparents when our baby was born. We let them know they could pick whatever it was they wanted the baby to call them. Both sets said grandma and grandpa. But not in a “this is what I really, really want to be called” kind of a way but in a “this is fine, no big deal” kind of a way.And when the baby was born I thought cool, fine, that works. But now she’s starting to say words. She can say “mama” and “dada” and we trying to teach her what to call everybody else. That’s when I thought, “oh, is it going to be confusing to her if there are two grandmas and two grandpas?”So, I’m asking if anyone has that set up. Was it confusing for the kids as they began to learn names? Or was it no big deal? Just wondering if I should try to nudge one set to use something like “nana and papa”. Or maybe “grandma {first name} and grandpa {first name}” for both. Or am I just overthinking this? via /r/Parenting

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