Wednesday, 28 August 2019

I (M29) am going to be a dad in two months in a foreign country and I am freaking out.

I love my fiancee (F35). We've been together for two years and started a discussion on having children relatively early into our relationship, and while I am excited at the thought of being a father to my (probable) daughter, I still find myself dealing with a series of existential crises, something I have struggled with in the past. I have essentially been independent for my entire adulthood, with little to no help from my parents and a couple of relationships that were serious but not to this extent of codependence. Some background information:-I am living in a foreign country with my fiancee, who is from said country. Paperwork has always been awful for me and has been even worse since moving here because of the language barrier that I almost always experience in my interactions with bureaucrats. Most of them speak little to no English, and my knowledge of their language is rudimentary at best.-I am worried about losing many of the things that I have spent my entire life trying to establish, namely my love of independence, travel, and going to concerts and festivals. My fiancee and I often travel together and I go to concerts less often than I did in the past, but it's still a concern for me. During a recent mini-meltdown, I had planned on climbing the tallest mountain in my country during a night hike, but this fell through and I feel like I am missing out on this symbolic closure of climbing one big mountain before I start to climb an even bigger one.-I have this anxiety that sex is about to become entirely nonexistent and I'm worried about the strain that it might put on our relationship. Dead bedroom situations scare me to death and I don't want to have that kind of resentment from either of us based on sexual expectations. I understand that my sex life is about to change significantly and am preparing for that.-We have open communication and I have expressed these concerns with her, but sometimes I don't think she fully understands my fears and perspectives. We know that we have different opinions and views on many different things and are working to bridge that gap.I want to be there and give my all. I have been to every doctor's appointment (we have one in an hour) and have done (and am doing) plenty of research. I am worried that I might just shut down, as I have done in less difficult situations in the past, and that would be horrible for all three of us. I am concerned that I might fail, and if I fail, the relationship might fail with it. I am looking for advice from people who have found themselves in similar situations and/or mindsets. I welcome all questions and advice, although I might be a little slow in replying as I have to work after the doctor's appointment and her mother-in-law is currently in our flat. Thank you for your help. via /r/Parenting

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