My daughter is 21 months old. She's generally very sweet, very intelligent, and very physically capable in terms of running, climbing, etc. However, in the last couple of weeks, any small thing she's not allowed to do results in a very, very high-pitched scream and some tears. Very rarely does she go into a full meltdown, but it's pretty startling behavior nonetheless. Basically, once the redirection starts (e.g. taking the thing she grabbed away from her, or needing her to go somewhere she isn't inclined to), she begins the behavior. The redirection takes the form of gentle/firm verbal, and taking her hand and trying to lead her away as needed. Definitely never any rough handling or the like. I have tried some compromises with her on things I want vs. things she wants, and very occasionally I have reconsidered my position and given her the ability to do something I was trying to stop if I realize it wasn't a huge deal (I know this is probably not ideal, sorry...).I know that the screaming/tears aren't related to true pain or terror because they pretty quickly cease, so my sense is that it's just drama at the expense of others' ear drums and sanity. FWIW, she has done the high-pitched thing with various levels of anger before and then dropped it in subsequent days/weeks, almost like it was a phase where she wanted to test out some vocal range.Though I hesitate to call it the terrible twos or full meltdowns/fits, I know I'm probably describing a pretty common thing for a lot of you. Any tips for keeping this behavior in check or, if it's a phase, getting through it as quickly as possible? It has taken on a small bit of exigency recently because she has started at a new school and we want her to do as well as possible, obviously.Thanks in advance! via /r/Parenting
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