So ladies and gents- this happened just this morning at a play group suggested to me by a group of mums I’ve been introduced to recently. They’re all wonderful but I’m pretty speechless about the hell hole they directed me to this morning! I’ll be referring to the group as “the mums.”The mums go to a group every Monday morning in a local church and whilst none of them are religious, they all say it’s brilliant. It’s a fairly long walk for me as I don’t drive so I set off an hour before the group began this morning with Little one in his pushchair. 45 mins later, we get there and he’s slept the whole way so it well rested for the day ahead. We get in, park up the buggy and go to pay/ sign in. All fine.We’re given a registration form which I sit down with him on my lap to complete. All finished, I hand it in and go back to sitting with him on my lap around a large play area. My butt touches the seat and this woman comes rushing over to me:Woman: YOU CAN SMILE YOU KNOWMe: (deafened by her shouting) oh well I’ve been up all night with him so I’m pretty tired.W: CANT YOU PUT HIM DOWN? WHY HAS HE BEEN UP ALL NIGHT THEN?Me: I’m trying to slowly introduce him to other kids as he doesn’t like them so I have a process each time we go somewhere.W: PROCESS DOESNT WORK CLEARLY! HAHAHA!Me: well we only just got here so...W: NO EXCUSE. PUT HIM DOWN.Me: no actually.W: WELL HE WONT LEARN THENMe: (not proud but I just glare at her until she walks away)Two minutes later she’s back with a cup of tea, she passes this scolding cup to my free hand whilst I’m fighting my kid who’s screaming on my lap as he doesn’t want to be there.W: DRINK.Me: umm... thank you?W: WHATS YOUR NAME?Me: ———— (my name)W: YOU MARRIED?Me: umm, yes?W: OWN YOUR OWN HOME?Me: sorry?W: DO YOU OWN YOUR OWN HOME?Me: I’m not really sure why...W: JUST MAKING CONVERSATION! YOU NEED TO CHILL OUT!Me: (baffles silence really at this point)W: (pointing to child who is dual heritage) I KNOW WHO THAT ONE BELONGS TO! HAHAHA!(The mother of said child is now turning round ready to hear what she says next... I’m shaking my head at this point and getting ready to leave)Mum of child: who is his mum then?W: YOURS! WANNA KNOW HOW I KNOW?Mum of child: not really.W: (not taking the hint) WELL SHES DARK AINT SHE! HAHAHAHA.I’m putting my son in his pushchair and leaving now.W: WHERE ARE YOU GOING ( name familiar to mine but not mine so I ignore her. She decides I can’t hear even though she’s got a mouth like a fog horn) NAME! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?Me: we’re leaving. You’re making me very uncomfortable.Cue woman bursting into tears.I’m still in shock really and I don’t know if I did wrong here or what?!? Now, do I confront the mums about this as no one turned up?!? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2JgGPyK
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