Saturday, 27 July 2019

I found out where the dummies went

18mo used to have a massive collection of dummies, well into the teens. Currently we're down to six.He's a master of stashing dummies. For example, he goes to bed in his cot with a dummy and gets up with a dummy, so there was no reason to look there. Until I changed the sheets and five dummies fell out, wtf???I've found them in strange places, like behind the TV. Sometimes he drops his dummy somewhere that a quick suck from me isn't hygienic enough, so I'll go rinse it and come back to find him with one in his mouth and one in each hand and a big grin on his face.So I wasn't unduly concerned these past two weeks when I could only find six. I figured the others would magically return from wherever he spirited them to.Well, I don't think they're coming back. I saw him standing by the kitchen bin and waving today. Nothing too odd there, he loves waving at everything and nothing. Then he plucked his dummy out of his mouth and put it in, and waved again.Yep, my lessons on putting things in the bin have paid off * sigh * now to teach him the difference between rubbish and not-rubbish lol via /r/Parenting

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