My husband [M 33] and I [F 32] are parents of two under two.He has always said he only wanted 2 kids, and I have always said I wanted at least 3. This is the only major thing we ever had a disagreement on, and we kept putting off the conversation.I don't want to have a 3rd kid unless both of us are on board. But I also don't want to spend the rest of my life wishing I had.And part of me is terrified that I'm going to wind up pregnant even though we are taking steps to prevent. I don't want my husband to resent the fact I got pregnant.My husband's rationale is that with two we have man-to-man defense, we only have to put two kids through college, and he is already sometimes feeling overwhelmed with two.So parents who had one less (or more) kid(s), than you had hoped does the ache go away? I love my two so much, but feel like the family isn't complete.Thanks via /r/Parenting
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