Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Friend yells at kids - am I wrong?

I'll try to keep this as short as possible without leaving out to much detail.I grew up in a house full of slammed doors, yelling, screaming and tons of verbal abuse. As such, I do my best to not yell at anyone. I can't stand to be around it or in earshot of it.I made a new friend earlier this year, she seemed pretty cool. But it was impossible to hold a phone or even a text conversation with her because all she did was scream at her kids, constantly, non stop. Or rather what seemed like non-stop. She uses the voice recorder on FB Messenger, so texting her is impossible too.I recently went over to her house one night to help her with some stuff, and was also helping put the kids to bed, which I really like her kids, they're pretty awesome, and they like me to. We play together, cuddle, I give them baths, buy them gifts, etc. Well, they weren't getting bed like they should, or rather they weren't staying in bed, because toddlers and a 5 year old. She went in there and ripped them up one wall and down the other. I got insanely triggered by it. Almost stormed in there and told her to go to the living room and chill the fuck out. But I froze in front of that door. And instead just stood there while she yelled at them. I moved away before she came out and tried to collect myself.Last night, she was texting me about the parenting of another parent and being really judgmental. I'll preface this by saying I know I need a med adjustment and I need to increase my anti anxiety medication, because when it doesn't work, I can get really mean. I snap at people. I'm impatient, fidgety, etc. I got pissed off. This is what I texted her:"I mean this with all the love I can muster. Every single time we talk or you use voice messenger, all I hear is you screaming at the kids. Mostly Fiona. Now, I'm not about to tell you how to parent your own kids. But Fiona talks to me for a reason. She feels heard. Because I take a few minutes to HEAR her. Last time I was at the house I got really super triggered by you. You sounded just like how my mom used to verbally abuse me. I get it. You're under a lot of stress. And I'm not trying to make you feel like shit. But I'm telling you this because I care and because I believe you can do better."Today, naturally she's being super distant and doesn't want me to see her or the kids like we planned for tomorrow. I'm sad I don't get to the see the kids, and I'm wondering if I was out of line, or, if I am/was doing right by those kids. I know this could possibly open up a whole can of worms, so please try and be supportive. I'm extra vulnerable right now...I also want to mention i spent three solid weeks cleaning her place, getting rid of roaches, getting a bed for the kids, getting a new bed for her, etc. So I feel really kind of upset she would shun me so fucking fast. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2GCzsRA

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