Saturday, 27 July 2019

3yo first night in a big bed

So I need to preface my story with some info. My 3yo randomly decided a few months ago that he did not want to sleep in his bedroom for reasons his father and I can’t seem to figure out. He would lay down but then get upset and freak out, sometimes to the point of making himself puke. We’ve tried everything. He only will sleep on the couch or in our bed (ugh). He has no problems going to sleep on the couch and stays there all night. So we’ve just been letting him sleep on the couch since he’s getting good sleep 🤷🏻‍♀️Well yesterday one of my husband’s friends offered us a California king size bed and box springs. We already have a king size bed in our room that my son loves to sleep on so we accepted and replaced his tiny toddler bed with this giant pillow top Cali king bed. We have it on the floor with no frame so it’s close to the ground.My son was extremely excited. We asked him to lay down and go night night and he just climbed in and laid right down. We tentatively went downstairs and waited for the inevitable freak out... but it never came. He went right to sleep.We were elated and went to bed. I was up around 4am nursing our 9mo when my 3yo snuck downstairs and climbed in bed with his dad. I quietly went and tapped him and told him to go back to his. He got right up and went back upstairs without a word. I followed him up to tuck him back in. We had a little chat about staying in bed until the sun wakes up and he rolled over and went back to sleep.My husband got up and left for work around 630 and I didn’t see my 3yo until 830! He quietly came in and asked me to come see his bed. So I went up to his room with him and...y’all..., HE MADE HIS BED! Three years old!So we had a great night. My toddler has a giant bed that he loves. He’s sleeping it in and is even cleaning up. I’m so happy. It’s been a long few months. Our 9mo wakes up 3-4 times a night, which is exhausting. The 3yo kept sneaking into our bed and kicking everyone in the kidneys. It was horrible.The 9mo even slept better. He only woke up twice. So I’m not sure what switch got flipped but I am so so so so so happy about it. via /r/Parenting

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