Tuesday, 30 July 2019

I don't feel like my baby's parent

Hi,My baby is now 7 months old, so I've been thinking about this on and off for a while, trying not to let it get to me.I don't feel like I love my baby as a mother should.I guess I don't feel like I love her in any way that is different to how I love my husband, or my siblings. From the get go there's been a definite sense of responsibility, and I know I'm a good caretaker of her, but I don't feel like a mother. I never had that "love at first sight" or rush of emotions. I do love her more at some times than others - she's a cute, easy to care for baby, she's easy to love.As an example, today we were sleep training at nap time. I don't ever like letting her cry for too long (I'm a SAHM, she's my first priority so it feels cruel and unnecessary for me personally) but I wanted to be firm today, so I stood by her cot and shushed her, lullabied etc but refused to pick her up. She went on for a while and eventually went to sleep. This wasn't gut wrenching for me. I feel a bit of guilt thinking back on it because it's obviously not nice to have any baby cry herself to sleep, but I don't feel emotional about it. She was completely safe, she knew I was there, she just had a "tantrum".I had miscarriages before my baby (and she's my only child). I was keeping an eye on my emotions then too, wondering when I'd start to feel like a mother, when I'd start to feel like I loved my babies and it never really happened until the grieving process which hit like a truck basically. So I know I must have loved my babies in some way.With regards to PND - I've had a few down days here and there but they pass fairly soon.I know not everyone has instant attachment, I know everyone's probably going to tell me "this is normal", but... is it normal? My baby deserves a mother who loves her as a mother should.Please help. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2MrHFvN

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