My husband and I are both very introverted and anxious people. We try very very hard to not let this be shown to our daughter (almost 5 with another on the way).We make sure she has a lot of fun and does alot of things. There are just certain things we are not interested in or feel comfy doing.For this my family likes to lecture and make us feel bad. My brother likes to point out all the in his mind fun things he does with his 2 yr old when I say no to the things for mine. They like to say I'm holding her back or putting out bad vibes etc.I love my family and they love me. We all have close relationship but they are all very opinionated.Things we aren't into or comfy withVacations. Family asks like this is a huge sin that is so messed up. They want to plan family vacations and such and we just don't want to go. We'd rather save and invest the money and I also have sleep anxiety. I won't sleep and will be miserable and over all don't enjoy tourist places.. Spending alot of money etc.Swimming in lakes - gross to me and my daughter doesnt like swimming anyways.Woodsy things- ticks and lymes are insane here. The worst. So so bad. I avoid woodsy things because of this. I always end up with ticks on me and just don't feel like it's necessary.Social things.. Day trips.. Planning events, camping etc. All just stress me out and are not fun at all. I like being home lol plans suck for me.I let my mom and dad take her places though. Whatever she wants to do.As a family we try to stay active and do alot. At home we always do play school, games, physical sporty activities, etc. She is young and doesn't have many friends yet but plays with her BFF who is my best friends daughter same age and her cousins and such.We go to the library atleast once a week. Has play areas for the kids and learning stations etc.We go to parks atleast twice a week or out walking etc.We go to stores and malls and play areas.During the school year she was in prek 6 hours a day and will be next year as well.We go to any town festivals and such that come through.Her dad and I just aren't social snd don't enjoy any of the social things or making plans or doing trips etc. I feel like we are raising her okay though?Being in groups and loud places and such are overwhelming. We don't let it show with kiddo but it's just miserable.I do know I need to work on anxiety though so can so more stuff but I feel like even now what we do isn't damaging and it's not going to hurt her by not going on vacations and boat trips and swimming in lakes etc. She will have her whole life to choose to do those things if she wants.But also I wouldn't be writing this if I didn't feel insecure and guilty as well. I want to do what's best for my kids. It's just so hard with anxiety and sleep anxiety /introverted.It doesn't affect me day to day but when pressured to do those things or asked what's wrong with me why I don't etc.. Makes me very anxious ugh!I dread when family starts bringing up day trips or vacations or bigger plans and have to listen to them brag about their kids fun and talk about why I won't go or how I'm holding back or hurting kids etc.I value fun but don't think I need to do those things for her to have fun.Wondering if anyone else is similar and what you do and feel and such? Thanks! via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2KPSQya
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