Monday, 29 July 2019

13-month-old son screaming all day - pregnant wife's nerves deteriorating rapidly

Hey all,I wanted to ask for some advice on understanding what is happening with our little baby, and what can be done to ease the situation a bit.My wife (33F) stays at home with our son of 13 months, while I work a standard 9-5 job, monday to friday. She's also now about 21 weeks pregnant, which means she's slowly reaching the third trimester, leaving her very tired by mid-day.Our son is an absolute angel, and a really easy case in many respects. But recently his behavior suggests some sort of growth-spurt or something, because he's been very, very loud. He's essentially screaming all day for no reason; he's become very very needy and if he doesn't get the attention he desires he immediately screams in that very high-pitched, nerve-wrecking tone. As far as we can tell this is completely normal behavior for his age, but the problem is, my wife is having a very, very hard time dealing with it. She's very sensitive to loud noises anyway, so the all-day screaming mixed with a pregnancy is leaving me very worried, leaving her with the baby all day.What can we do to make this phase easier to deal with? What can she do?As far as what I do, I essentially take over 100% of the baby duties the minute I get home from work (usually around 5:30), so my wife can lay down and rest starting from then until 7 a.m. the next day. During the weekends I do as much as I can to ease the burden on her nerves by taking the baby out for walks, to the playground, leaving mommy time to rest.But as soon as I get in to work on a monday (hence the post), she's already writing to me on the verge of a nervous breakdown.What do we do?! via /r/Parenting

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