My son (almost 7) has been asking me lately if I believe in god. I’m a secular Buddhist (mostly agnostic when it comes to a higher power), with spiritual leanings. We live in the Midwest, a smaller town, and my sons friends are all from Christian families - which is where he’s getting his information about god/Jesus/etc. Side note: been divorced for a little over a year and his mom is doing her own thing so I don’t have much backup there.I’m very open to him believing what he wants. At the same time, his 7 year old brain doesn’t get that there are a multitude of belief systems and that religion is COMPLICATED! Right now he’s worried that since I don’t believe in god, I won’t go to heaven.I’ve tried to explain some of the various other major belief systems to him (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism), but he seems to have made up his mind that god and heaven exist.I’m wondering about ways I can support his development in this area without quashing any particular belief system (I was raised Christian and disagree with much of it, though I have a lot of respect for Christians who are compassionate and walk the walk, so to speak). I also don’t want him to end up like many religious folks I know (intolerant, lacking compassion, rejecting science, demonizing other belief systems).Are there any books you all might recommend that aren’t particularly biased in one direction or another that we could read together? Other advice would be most welcome!! via /r/Parenting
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