Sunday, 2 June 2019

Just found out my husband has terminal cancer. When to tell our children.

My husband had laryngneal cancer , had a total laryngectomy and was given the all clear in April 2018. Today, we found out it has returned in one of his lungs. We see the specialist on Wednesday to discuss whether he wants to try chemotherapy . We have been told that he has 6 months to 2 years, depending whether he choses to have chemotherapy or not and how he responds to treatment.It has not come a surprise - routine PET scan and MRI showed up something on his lung, last week. It is inoperable, due the position it is in the lung. My husband, at this stage doesn't want to try chemotherapy. He is 71 and although otherwise healthy, thinks it's futile. Our kids are 8.5 and 7 and we haven't told them yet. They are obviously old enough to understand, but not sure the best time to tell them? Do we wait until he is really ill? The thing is we don't even really know how much time he has. I am dreading having to tell them that their father they love so dearly is going to die. via /r/Parenting

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