Two things to note. Posting this as a through away account. And I changed some of the fine details to keep my self from being Recognized.I have mad mistakes in raising my kids but as we all know there is no manual for it. By the end of this some of you might think of me as a shitty parent. I can't blame you if you do.My son who I shall call Sam has always wanted to be a director. To under stand the current situation we are going to have to go back in time. Sam has always been focused more on the social aspects of life then work or education. This comes from two events in his life. His 8th birthday party that no one showed up for and from me telling him. He will only ever work at KFC(I know shitty thing to say as a parent I was in a bad spot in life and I took it out on him) years later he ended up getting that job at KFC and about 3 weeks after starting he was fired due to calling out to much.My house is a split level. 3 bedrooms 3 kids two of the kids would always share a room. Fast forward and it's off to college where he decide to fallow a BA in film production. Seeing this as an operationity to give my two youngest children there own room. And I give my son the dean as temporary room when he is home from college and little bit after was my thought.Now back to college. Me and my wife are not the richest people in the world but we get by. I guess you could call us lower middle class. And more then a fair share of bad luck. The college Sam picked was not the cheapest to go to. But that was the one he wanted. And we could not say no. This probably due to him being a miracle baby after we thought that God had cursed us with infertility but I digress.Like a lot of parents we co signed on the loan not knowing this will be the case of so much pain later in life. Fast forward and sam is out of college with no degree because he failed a class twice. And moved back in with us.Where the den became his domain. It started with a desk and from there he engulfed it. If you have ever seen Akira think the last 4th of the movie. It became almost impossible to find stuff that belongs to us in are own den. It has become his room.Sam is in his own words a insomniac that might be tru but part of me believes this is due to how long he sleeps for until 1 to 2 most days. And he is a very light sleeper so the den becomes useless until he wakes up.My son ended up getting a job at a place that sells paper and in his free time he would spend time writting scripts. A small time studio purchased a trilogy that he had wrote and offered him 10k each. 5k up front and 5k after the the scripts where finished. And then he quit his job.10k a year is not a lot of money. That's 5k sort of working full time at a minimum wage job. And he had to get insurance which is about $500 dollars a month plus his student loans. That money will go away fast.Now my son is a collecter of things those figurines and movies he has a lot of them along with pokemon. Which he spends moneny he does not have on them.And let us not forget tax season. In the US if you are an independent contractor which a write/director is considered. you are responsible for saving the money to pay for your taxes. And he did not so my son had to go on a payment plan.Now remember how I said I am a co signers on his loan normally if you make 2 years of on time payments you can be removed from the loan. Sam has not done this. Me and my wife had to pay for them a few time.Now my son did get a job working one day a week at a friends family business it but it only pays $20.The house hold has become a silent cold war. The reason is I wants to retire this year which i can not because I have to pay for my sons loan and stuff.And my other son is pissed at him for wasting money to go to college and not get a degree preventing him from going to the school he wanted to go to.he continues to make up excuse why he has no job. I want to retire, I want to have my den back. I dont want to lose my house But most importantly I want my son to be successful. I don't know what to do. Any advice for an old man.Edit: fixed formatting via /r/Parenting
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