Sunday, 2 June 2019

Toddler and her big belly

I’m. It in panic mode, but definitely starting to be concerned. My husband and I noticed that my 20month old always seems to have, what I’d describe, as a bloated “potbelly”. It’s not all day or even every day, but most days and by the evening time she will have a big, firm, bloated belly.I’ve read that it. Oils be just overeating, maybe too many fruits and veggies (because they have lots of fiber), maybe just a build up of gas? She poops 2 times per day, regularly, so not constipated. No diarrhea or fever. No vomit or cries of pain. she doesn’t seem to notice that she’s uncomfortable. when she’s playing i can hear her hold her breath when she bends over and then release. And she always seems like she’s holding breath for a few seconds and then letting out.Is this weird or unusual? Have any other parents experiences this “potbelly”? via /r/Parenting

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