Saturday, 29 June 2019

Left toddler with in laws, and got a series of update texts that indicates that they were drinking after she went to bed.

So we left our daughter with my in laws for a couple nights while we went to an out of town, non-kid friendly wedding. It seems she’s been having a ball with them. I thought this would be a great opportunity for them to bond. My concern is that this evening, after her bed time, we got a series of texts from my mother in law that really seemed like she was drinking. I’m now very concerned. My wife is as upset as I am, and wants to confront her mother about it, though their relationship is pretty touchy and I’m now worried about having her upset at us, while caring for our kid—not that she’d intentionally hurt her, so much as perhaps get even less responsible. I’m trying to find the right way to communicate our concern, ask her gently not to drink, and get our kid back as painlessly as possible. I’d really like some advice about what to do here. I can skip the wedding tomorrow and go back to get her if needed, though that might cause even more drama. via /r/Parenting

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